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1. What is Futsal? (General Classification) 2. How do people play Futsal? (Description) 3. What are Futsal ourna!

ent which is held in the world? (Description)

his world a lot of sports. "uch as foot#all$ %olley#all$ #as&et#all$ and others. 'ut we will not discuss the a#o%e e(ercise$ #ut we will tal& a#out futsal. What is futsal? Futsal is si!ilar to foot#all$ the difference is the nu!#er of players and the si)e of the field. *u!#er of players in the sport of futsal is fi%e people$ and futsal field si)e is a +uarter of a foot#all field. ,f foot#all is done in the open field is different fro! that carried out in the field futsal closed or called in the roo!. his sport is %ery popular for the people of the world$ only to capitali)e futsal #all and shoes we can do this sport is %ery healthy for the #ody. How do people play futsal? We only need ten people to play futsal. en people were split into two tea!s of fi%e people$ includin- a -oal&eeper. he two tea!s face each other to win the -a!e$ the tea! that wins is the tea! that scored the !ost -oals. Futsal !atch lasted for 2(1. !inutes. We would also ha%e to &now$ if you play open foot#all field in contrast to futsal$ futsal is played indoor. What is Futsal ournaent in the world? We certainly !ust ha%e &nown that the world/s #i--est futsal tourna!ent F,F0 Futsal World Cup. he hi-hly anticipated tourna!ent for the world #ecause it presents the -a!e %ery fun and e(citin-. he tourna!ent #rou-ht to-ether the countries that e(ist in the world. "tartin- fro! 'ra)il$ "pain$ 1"0$ and not for-ettin- ,ndonesia participated in the +uadrennial tourna!ent. he tourna!ent syste! is there are thirty2two countries around the world who ca!e throu-h +ualifyin-$ the country will co!pete for a tic&et to the final.

Fri)a Des&anada 133 4, ,5" 1 6ic&y 7ihansyah 3.3 4, ,5"1

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