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Our Partners

A Collective Impact on Homelessness in Chicago and Beyond

While the Chicago Alliance, Emergency Fund, and the Learning Center are the pillars of our work, All Chicago collaborates with a vast network of generous partners nonprofits, foundations, corporations, donors, and multiple systems of care as a dedicated and unified team committed to the common vision of a home for everyone in Chicago. This large scale collaboration between diverse entities and individuals working towards a shared goal is commonly known as collective impact. As described by non-profit consulting group FSG, which helped coin the term, collective impact is premised on the idea that lasting solutions to large-scale, complex, and systemic problems like homelessness can only be implemented through the coordinated efforts of multiple actors working together.

All Chicago is the Backbone of a Generous Community of Partners Committed to Making Homelessness History
In order for collective impact to be effective, it requires a backbone organization to coordinate, structure, and lead the efforts of the individuals and organizations which are all working towards the same goal. For the issue of homelessness in Chicago, All Chicago is that backbone, leading and empowering a unified community of partners in developing long-term, sustainable housing solutions for all of our neighbors who are seeking the safety, stability, and hope that a home provides. Our partnerships are critical to our ability to carry out this community-mandated charge. We rely on our partners to inform our strategies and invest in the solutions that will make homelessness history. We value the wealth of knowledge, breadth of services, and penchant for innovation that each partner brings to this very important work, and we sincerely appreciate their ongoing support. View a list of our partners (link to list) ###

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