Darwin 3

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Name: _________________

Assignment #3: Charles Darwin: Variation Under Domestication

Read Pages 41-77

Answer the following questions in paragraph or bullet form. Be sure to cite page numbers and reference specific examples. Diagrams, sketches, or tables are welcome additions. Assignments may be hand-written or typed. Must be legible, neat, and complete. Minimum length requirement is 4-5 sentences, a paragraph, per question. 1. How did Darwin learn that traits are inherited by examining domestic animals? 2. Explain the concept of unconscious selection. Give an example not mentioned in the text. 3. Why dont populations increase indefinitely? How are organisms codependent within an ecosystem? (Pg. 56-60) How does this relate to Darwins theory of evolution via natural selection. 4. Outline the steps of natural selection (From Fridays Board Notes) using the example of whale evolution from the text. 5. Examine the Tree of Life on pages 76-77, and discuss Darwins conclusions by outlining what the leaves, branches, and base of the trunk represent.

Grading Rubric for Darwin Assignments:

Advanced (5): Answer all parts of each question thoroughly, referencing specific examples and passages from the text. Cites page numbers in responses. Uses and explains scientific vocabulary. Highly Proficient (4): Answers all parts of each question briefly, some referencing of examples or page numbers. Proficient (3): Missing part of a question, not fully explained, missing page numbers, need to add more vocabulary and explanation to demonstrate a greater depth of comprehension.

Late assignments will earn a proficient grade (3).

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