Best Thing I Ever Wrote

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The Best Thing I Ever Wrote The best thing I ever wrote was a research paper I had to write

for my AP Psychology class. I was in 11th grade and it was our end of the year research paper/project. My research paper was about the effects of stereotyping and prejudices against homose uality and why someone wouldn!t choose to be gay. The assignment included a research paper and a class power point presentation. I wrote the paper in two parts. "ne to be graded and one based on my opinion that was added as entertainment. The first one I tried to base everything on scientific and psychological research but it was very hard to do. I had to weave in and out articles and web post because there were so many opinions about the topic online. #esearch about this topic is very hard to come by because there$s so much negativity around the subject. %ventually I found some reputable sources of research. Many believe that people choose to be homose ual. &hen they characteri'e homose uals they forget about the young children who already e hibit signs of being homose ual. My main (uestion was )*o these children grow up choosing to be homose ual +nowing that won$t be accepted by society,- .o one wants to be ridiculed for their lifestyle and live in fear of someone harassing them. That doesn$t even ma+e sense. There has to be some biological factor that predisposes children to their se ual orientation. These are the +ey points that I +ept bringing up in my presentation. My class and teacher enjoyed my presentation just as much as I did writing and researching it. To emphasi'e my point of view I made a rainbow tie/die shirt with a peace sign and wore it on the day of my presentation to support homose ual rights. I always enjoy researching or writing about topics that interest me or that I support.

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