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Example of a valid Rx

Preventing Substance Abuse in the Pharmacy

Practices to Prevent Drug Diversion


Look for misspelled words, photocopied appearance, different inks, inconsistent handwriting, abnormal quantities, directions, doses Always verify patients identity by obtaining a drivers license or a state ID Never dispense to those who are visibly intoxicated Always review patient profile and fill history before filling certain medications Have increased awareness for prescriptions from out of area doctors

An informational guide on how to deter the illicit use of prescription medication

It is up to the pharmacist and pharmacy team to exercise good judgment in the process of dispensing medication

What is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse is a term that has a broad scope of definitions. The Medical Encyclopedia defines it as the use or abuse of prescription or OTC for purposes other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner of in quantities other than directed. The World Health Organization defines it as the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances including alcohol and illicit drugs. Overall, it implies a negative use of a variety of substances.


Regulations The Federal Controlled Substances Act and other federal regulations establish laws that regulate the purchase, receipt, storage, and dispensing of medication. State regulations also exist. The FDA promotes education through drug labels and medication guides. Drug Diversion
Occurs when legitimate drug products are diverted from their intended purpose for illicit use. This is considered a c ri me . T ypica l exa mple s of drug diversion are:

According to SAHMSA, between 1998 and 2008, there has been a 400 percent increase in substance abuse treatment admissions for opioid pain relievers. Other data from SAMHSA states that 26 million Americans between the ages of 26 and 50 have used Rx medication for non medical purposes at some point. Overall, and estimated 20 percent of the United States population has used Rx medication for non-medical purposes
Prescription drug abuse is especially prolific in the college environment. Full time students are twice as likely to abuse Adderall compared to nonstudents. 3,000 young adults have died form Rx drug overdoses (typically opioids). The nonmedical use of drugs is highest among young adults.

Fraudulent Prescriptions Prescriptions that are forged or have been tampered with

Doctor Shopping Obtaining multiple prescriptions from different doctors

Early Refills Frequent requests for early refills can indicate drug diversion

In the Pharmacy
In retail pharmacy settings, the three most commonly abused prescription drugs are:

Pill Mills Doctors can prescribe large quantities of controlled sub stances without proper medical evaluation

Pain Relievers
Ex: Oxycodone, Morphine

Costs to Society The U.S. accumulates over $600 billion in costs related to crime, lost work productivity, and healthcare.

Ex: Amphetamines

Ex: Benzodiazepines, Sleep Medication

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