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Yin Hang, Kwok Professor Suzanne Ingram English 1101-001 10Oct.


Genre Study Part 1: High School Genre A. Introduction of analyst In the days of studying in high school, It is well known that most of students must read a lot of notices because notice in high school is a common way to announce information to students. Usually, notices were pushed on the wall and board. The writing is chose to analyze which is a notice from my high school and it mentions about early leaving policy. Notice is a type of writing to announce and declare information to people, such as rules, policies and statements. Notice can be difference in different places , different content or different situations. The author in this notice is IRD-Growth and development team. It belongs to supervising department in high school. The intended audience are teachers, student's parents and mainly for students. In general The notice writers can be union, authority and a group of people but not an single people. The readers can be anyone. When it comes to discuss about the reason why they made this notice. It is because the supervising team want students understand and obey the laws and policies in early leaving and prevent students to intend for absenteeism. The Notice is explicit. The usage of notice is used to be an announcement and a bulletin. The information must be clear and obvious. The information in notice present in order form and point form. In each part, there are bullets to emphasize

the purpose, application and consequence. It help readers to read. The policy are showed below. For example, writer use bigger front and bold to make the rule of bring handbook become a title and the things in this situation students who need to follow were highlight by bullets and using smaller front.

picture1. part of notice- show the writing style in notice The information in notice is very important to students because it is not only a way to announce the laws and policy to students, but also it is a form to provide information and become a bridge of communication between school and students. Although these information are repeat by different announcement, such as email, notes of reply and some statement which students need to sign before registration of school, it can keep remind students to obey the laws. B. Genre of analyst From Kathryn Evans, she mentions " Genre is a type of writing that you can distinguish from other types based on different patterns of language use. " In this notice, the genre can be recognized by its writing format, symbol usage and title. It is very easy to separate notice from other types of writing because notice is a format that a way announce information and the information in notice are separated in different points, such titles and sub-titles. These sentences in notice are lack of adverb to modify verb and the sentences are short and structure are basic. There are many bullets to emphasize each point in its pattern. It makes people can find these information and read this writing easily. There is no allusion in each sentence because this notice a writing style to told information directly in order form. The content in notice announces rules, policy and law. In general, information in

notice are important message. Author want readers to care and follow it or escape from it. In this high school notice, we can see the information are talking about the policies and rules. The genre presents in order format. We can find this hint from these words, such as should, must, do and don't. The limitations in this genre is there is no way to present author's emotion and the tone or manner of writing. If the information are complex. Author need to use a lot of sentences to explain it. The content of notice are limited and it must relates to rules, policies, orders and instruction. The information of this writing is limited by writer. The advantages in this genre is high readable. Readers can receive information easily. Because there is no modification of sentences This notice is a successful in fulfilling the authors purpose because the authors purpose inform students in high school to obey the policy. Notice is a traditional way to provide information to students direct way in high school. To more effective, writer should use email to replace the notice. Even students is not actual audience in authors intended audience, it does not change the texts success rate. It is because the notice a way to announce the policy. It can aim for different kinds of people in high school.

Part 2: College Genre A. Introduction of analyst Laboratory report is a common way for all science students to finish their Laboratory course in college. Science students need to study how to write Laboratory report in different science subject. Laboratory report is not only an introduction of experiment, but also it is the only way to tell people about experiment and its result. Laboratory report is a special writing with special genre. The writing is chose to

analyze which is a college chemistry course laboratory. Laboratory report is a type of writing that student write laboratory report with data and a lot of explanations . The content of laboratory report is about the introduction, style, requirement, writing method, dealing with data and result format. The author in this laboratory report is Chemistry students. The intended audience are Chemistry student , professor and other people who want know about the experiment. In general, lab report is wrote by scientist or a group of people. The readers can be anyone who interest in this experiment. The reason why student made this laboratory report. It is because professor want students understand and obey the rule in writing laboratory report and deal with data in correct way. It can be a practice for students to write lab report by their self and prevent students to have mistakes in writing lab report. The laboratory report is explicit. The information in laboratory report present in order, clearly and describe with data. There are lot of sentence to describe the meaning in detail behind the writing style. The lab report are separate into three parts, introduction, reaction and result. In each part, there are bullets to emphasize the purpose, application and result. The information in lab report is very important to students because it is not only a way to tell student to write correct lab report, but also it is a writing style for student learn to deal with writing scientific writing. For the readers in lab report, if people are familiar with these genre, they can find the information easy and fast. When we write lab report, it allows student to be creative and also write about what student want to write about the experiment, even there are some requirements and structure require by professor. B. Genre of analyst. In this lab report, the genre can be recognized by its writing format, symbol

usage and title. It is very easy to separate lab report from other types of writing because lab report is a format that a way including present information and the information in are separated in different points. There are many subtitle. It makes people can find these information and read this writing easily. The bold front emphasize the information. There is no allusion in each sentence because this writing style to told information directly. The sentences in lab report must wrote in third party. It makes we can made an impersonal comment in experiment. The content of lab report is just relate everything about the experiment. Author can write anything relate the experiment. Even there are many requirements in lab report, but students can present their creativity in result and application. It is because students can share how the experiment relate to our daily life and how this experiment improve our daily life. The limitations in this genre is there is no way to present author's emotion and the tone or manner of writing. The information of this writing is limited by writer. Since there are a lot data inside the lab report. readers need to familiar this style to read the experiment. The requirements of lab report make this genre are fixed. readers feel boring when they read some report. The advantages in this genre is let reader understand the data in lab report which is described by few sentences. This laboratory report guideline is a successful in fulfilling the authors purpose because the authors purpose is present experiment by writing lab report. Even professor and other students are not actual audience in authors intended audience, it does change the texts success rate. It is because the report a way to tell people about the experiment. It can aim for different kinds of people in college. Part C Conclusion After I took a look on two genres, I find there are few things that they are similar. since the theme are so difference, but the writing style and genre are completely

difference with each other. In arrangement of information, the information in notice present in point format but information in lab report present in story style with a lot of digital data and explain step by step. The sentence in notice are short and boring. It is because writer just want to announce the important messages to readers. The writing pattern is obvious. The genre in notice cannot use in describe some things and this genre may make readers have strong antipathy, especially the notice about rule and policy that people must obey and follow. When I was study in high school I felt bad with this notice. It is because there is not interesting thing in this genre and format of this genre give a strong feeling that people have to follow the information and order that it mentioned. In college lab report, introduction and some paragraphs are boring because it writes with data and explain data. The genre in lab report is related and connected with Chemistry. when reader read this lab report, readers have to learn some reading skills to more understand the meaning. However reading notice don't need any skills. Both of them are making readers feeling bad and no interesting. As the genre of them are limited in special use, they are only present in individual situation. The purpose of notice is being a announcement and statement. It is common in our society because it is the most easy way to remind people to follow and finish the rules and works. It is obvious in office, hallway and any manifest places. Even in college, we still can see there are a lot of notices in different place. For example, there are many warming and Tips in library. The purpose of lab report is much more straight forward in usage because it is often present in scientific writing. We can see it in any scientific magazine and college academic research. They are become a general rule to deal with these genre and writing style. The rule of lab report is made by the American science organization. They made this limits and let students follow because it makes scientist can share the scientific

writing easily. But the rule of notice is made by public use. There is not absolute rule for notice but the rule of notice is that the sentences in notice must be clear and short. So the rule of notice is depending on writer. The notice writers should make the sentence and information present in short sentences and clear. They can separate the information in small piece. The author of lab report is hard to suggest any idea to them because there are few difference between different science department when they have different way to write the lab report. The genre in notice is similar that notice in college is because the purpose haven't change and usage is same and direct. But the genre of lab report in college are completely showed this genre tell us about college. The genre in lab report is special and describe with data. It is rare in high school. Writing this genre require some basic skills. It is hard to exist in high school level. There are many college academic usage inside the lab report. In short, two of them are so difference in genre. But they are highly relate to our daily life. More understanding each genre can help us to read writing more easy and accuracy.

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