Questions For Genre Analysis Project

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Vaibhavi Patel Vernica Vargas-Guadalupe Genre Analysis Project Scene- Student Union

1. Where is the genre used? Bulletin board- main area of the 1st floor in the student union Buying food-Wendys, dining area of 1st floor in the student union Groups of people together- Entrance of the student union on the 1st floor 1a. What kinds of activities happen here? Bulletin board-people go up to it to see if there is anything that interests them Buying food-people go up to the cashier, ask questions/order food, pay, get their food, and leave Groups of people together- talking, smiling, informing each other, or just hanging out 1b. What kinds of people come here? Bulletin board- uncc students/ faculty members/employees/visitors that are interested in any kind of activities shown Buying food-uncc students/faculty members/employees/visitors (customers) that are hungry and want to buy something to eat Groups of people together-uncc students/faculty members/employees/visitors that want to be together and share information about a specific subject, like a meeting, or just talk about anything and hang out 1c. Do these people have a shared objective? Bulletin board- they all saw something they were interested in and wanted to get more information about that specific activity or they want to see if there is anything they would be interested in Buying food- they are all hungry customers that want to buy something to eat Groups of people together- they are all talking to each other

2. What is the interaction it accomplishes? Bulletin board- gives information about many of the activities that are soon occurring in UNCC or are related to UNCC Buying food-the customer goes up to the cashier and orders, she/he tells the customer the price of what he ordered and the customer pays and gets a recipt, then when the food is ready the cashier calls the number on the customers receipt and gives the customer his or her food

Vaibhavi Patel Vernica Vargas-Guadalupe Groups of people together- they talk to each other, share information, spend some time together

3. Who uses the genre and to do what? Bulletin board- UNCC students/faculty members/employees/visitors to find out some information about an event they are interested in Buying food- UNCC students/faculty members/employees/visitors to buy something to eat/drink Groups of people together- UNCC students/faculty members/employees/visitors to talk, discuss/share information or just hang out 3a. Does the user change for each genre piece? Why? How do you know? Yes, because the user uses or acts in each genre piece with a different purpose: Bulletin board- find out information about an event (person is interacting with an object and cannot ask direct questions so he/she has to read instead of talk) Buying food- to buy something to eat (cashier and customer will most likely not know each other) Groups of people together- to talk, discuss/share information with other people (they will most likely know each other)

4. What subjects does the genre discuss? Bulletin board- answers to the questions anyone could have about that specific event they are currently showing (ex. What?, Where?, Who?, When? How much? Of the event) and maybe other ways you can find out even more information about the even for ex. Phone numbers, emails or websites Buying food- the food the customer intends to buy, price, exchange of money, time it will take to be ready Groups of people together- personal, professional or educational exchanges of infromation

5. What relationships does the genre suggest? Bulletin board- person gets information from an object, all that can happen is that the person reads off of the flyers and brochures

Vaibhavi Patel Vernica Vargas-Guadalupe Buying food-the people involved are the cashier and the customer and they will most likely not know each other, they only talk for about a couple of minutes and it is not personal, their topic is related to what the customer wants and will or want to get Groups of people together- the people involved are more likely to know each other, could be classmates, coworkers, friends, somewhat related

6. What roles does the genre suggest for participants? Bulletin board- anyone interested in and event Buying food- customer and employee(cashier) Groups of people together- friends/classmates

7. What kinds of language are used within this situation and genre pieces? Bulletin board Buying food Groups of people together- they could maybe be using slang

8. What label would you put on this situation? Bulletin board- informing Buying food- buying/exchanging money for food Groups of people together- talking and hanging out or sharing professional, educational or personal information

9. How does the scene shape the genre pieces? The Student Union is a place where there are different stores, and activity rooms, there is a theater, a main area with sofas, free wifi, dining area etc... Bulletin board- activities shown would be for different types of activities that will interest everyone, including UNCC students/faculty memebers/employees/visitors, not only a specific one Buying food Groups of people together-

10. How do the genres shape the scene?

Vaibhavi Patel Vernica Vargas-Guadalupe Bulletin board Buying food Groups of people together-

11. What does the genre allow its users to do and what does it not allow them to do? Bulletin board- it allows the user to get some information about a specific even they are interested in but that information is limited because the user cannot ask an object a question so all the information he can possibly get is whatever is on that flyer or bulletin board Buying food Groups of people together-

12. Whose needs are most served by the genre? Whose needs are least served? I think that they are all reciprocal and equally beneficial because Bulletin board- flyer advertises an event, user gets informed, he attends the event and the company r person who is responsible for the flyer or the event gained an attendee and maybe even money if he bought a ticket Buying food- Wendys gets money through the cashier, the cashier gets paid for doing the job, the customer gets the food and satisfies his or her hunger Groups of people together- they are talking and sharing information constantly and they are all getting the same information and interacting at the same time and in the same way, also, they all get to spend time together with each other

13. Does the genre enable its users to represent themselves fully? Bulletin board- NO, because the user cannot ask questions to the flyer, he is limited to whatever or how much information the flyer is giving Buying food- No, because they only talk to each other for maybe a couple of minutes but no more, and it is all about what the customer wants and anything related to the product, there is no personal information exchange Groups of people together- Yes, because they most likely know each other so they will feel comfortable being themselves and if they are friends they can talk about personal stuff

Vaibhavi Patel Vernica Vargas-Guadalupe 14. Does the genre create inequalities among its users that lead to imbalances of power? Bulletin board Buying food Groups of people together-

15. Do the assumptions that the genre reflects privilege certain ways of doing things? Bulletin board Buying food Groups of people together-

Characteristics: 1. Social (interaction) Bulletin board-the user interacts with the bulletin board or flyer by getting the information he need from it, the user will read from it (the flyer acts as a person advertising something) Buying food- the customer and the cashier interact by talking about what the customer wants and they exchange money for food Groups of people together- they are friends so they are talking, smiling/ laughing and sharing personal/professional, or educational information

2. Rhetorical (choice) Bulletin board- the user will make a choice of either going to the event or not going Buying food- the customer will choose which store to go, Wendys , and then he or she will choose what to buy, and he or she will also choose how to pay for ex. Cash, credit or debit card, or student id card Groups of people together- they are choosing to be in the student union, they are choosing to be together and they are choosing the topics they are talking about, for ex. Education(school), personal, or profesional

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