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Confidential Evaluation Examinee: K Age at testing: 6.

8 Date of Birth: 2/1/04 Date of Evaluation: 10/2 -11/27 Report Date: 12/10/1 Grade: 1st School: Elementary Examiner: Carina Dean

Tests Administered: K ABC 2 GORT (Trial entry was attempted) Clinical Interview Reason for Referral : K tested for my graduate studies class. He did not receive a formal referral for this particular testing. Behavioral Observations: K cooperated well during about 90% of the testing. K and his evaluator have met several times before test taking. K and his evaluator have known each other for a year. He did not exhibit any withdrawn behavior. K seems to respond well to authority most of the time. During observation, he has had issues with other children and fighting. He can exhibit aggressive behavior at times, but seems to comply when an adult gets involved. For the most part, he appears to be able to socialize with his peers. The other children in his class seem to want to socialize with him. During testing, K exhibited distractibility after about 20 minutes of testing. During one of the testing dates, his teacher reported that he had gotten into an altercation with a fellow classmate. On that particular day, his test performance seemed to be affected and he seemed much less attentive and appeared visibly upset.

Test results and Interpretations: KABC 2 Core Test Learning: (Atlantis) (Rebus) Simultaneous: (Conceptual Thinking) (Rover) Raw Score 15 Scaled Score 3 Age Equivalency 3.0



11 24

6 15

4.8 11 (*)

(Triangles) (Pattern Reasoning) Sequential: (Number Recall)

3 7

1 8

<3.0 5.10



* Test Bias may have occurred due to missing pieces in test Interpretation of KABC 2 Results K was administered the KABC 2 test over the course of a month and a half. This test is meant to assess Ks ability in learning, thinking, conceptualizing, memorization and intellectual ability. The test was detailed and had many sections to complete. Due to his teachers previous assessments of his test taking skills, a discussion took place that resulted in the decision that the test would be administered until visible distractibility. Each session lasted a maximum for 45 minutes. K scored at less that 3.0 in the Atlantis test in which he was instructed to memorize the name of each picture shown on the easel. This test score would be considered below

average.This was the first test he had completed and there was a slight level of excitement which may have affected his score and his ability to memorize. K s score on the Rebus test, which puts him at 6.0 age equivalency was average. This test required him to look at symbols and relate them to words. He seemed to have confidence during this test, Ks conceptual thinking was scored at an age equivalency of 4.8. This is 2 years younger than his age. This test measured conceptual thinking by providing K with a series of pictures. K was instructed to choose which picture did not belong. He started out with every answer correct until the similarities in the pictures became seemingly more complex. K scored above average on the Rover test. His age equivalency was 11 years old, which is considerably higher than any test score he has achieved. This test required him to move a figuring of a dog a certain amount of spaces to reach a particular marker. He was able to do so in very little time and space. The figurine was missing in the test, so a makeshift Rover was brought in. He was not timed because of his age. Test bias may have occurred due to the changes that were made. K scored less than average on Triangles. His age equivalency was less that 3.0. The triangles were made by hand due to another missing item in the test. He was instructed to make certain shapes with the triangles. During this day he seemed visibly upset due to a prior incident that day. He was unwilling to participate during this test, which may have had an impact on his score. K scored just under average for the Pattern Reasoning test. He was administered a series of shapes and pictures and asked to choose what picture fits in the pattern. He achieved an age equivalency score of 5.10 years old. Again, he seemed to have difficulty once the patterns became more complex. Ks score for Number Recall was average. His age equivalency was 6.6. He reported that math was his least favorite subject, yet was able to achieve an average score. This test was administered by repeating a series of numbers verbally. He was able to repeat all of the four number sequences. Once the sequence became five numbers, he would begin to forget. GORT Test Results: Because the GORT test had a first grade minimum, I tried to administer the test to him, He is a first grade level A reader, therefore seemed frustrated at his inability to read the trial entry. We did not continue the test.

Clinical Interview: An informal interview was conducted in order for the test administrator to wrap up the testing. K reported that he like reading better than he liked Math. According to test scores, K actually scored higher on mathematically inclined tests. His favorite part about school is recess and playing with his friends. When asked how feels about school, he reported that he wishes he did not have to stay as long as he does and wishes he could skip math. When asked what he would like to be when he grows up, he repoted that he would like to be a fireman. When asked how he feels about his school work, he reported that he does his work on time but he would rather play. He prefers reading bools to homework assignments and work sheets. He reported that his mom helps him with his homework and makes sure it is in his homework folder. Summary: K was recommended to test by his teacher because he is one of the most high functioning children in his Self Contained Special Ed class. He seems to be social and well liked by his classroom. After a year of observing Ks behavior, he appears to have become less aggressive to his classmates. His teacher reports that he must be in a highly structured environment so that he does not become distracted of act out. Overall, he his testing range is from below average to average. His IEP team has agreed that the class that he is currently in is presently an appropriate fit for him.

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