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Are you Creative or Analytical?

Our brain has two halves the right and the left. People using left part of the brain are usually logical and analytical. While those who use the right half of the brain are creative, innovative and imaginative. o you want to !now whether you are right or left brained?

"ry this# $ead aloud, as %uic!ly as possible,


&f you merely read the words, you are li!ely to be using right brain. Whereas, if you read the colours, you are using your left brain.

"his topic is presented in three parts with detailed information on each

Left Brain vs. Right Brain - this document provides fundamentals of Left Brain thinking vs. Right Brain thinking. Left Brain and Right Brain Inventory this document throws light on how left and right brain control different characteristics of human beings.

3. Left Brain - this document provides information on differences between left brain thinking and right brain thinking.

Left Brain vs. Right Brain I%& creati'e and he%s anal(tical
Ha'e (ou e'er thou)ht wh( so&e *eo*le can *aint eauti+ull(, ut ha'e di++icult( addin) two and two- Or wh( so&e *eo*le can understand the intricacies o+ calculus e++ortlessl(, ut stru))le to write a one.*a)e essa( It%s all a out which side o+ (our do&inates . the le+t or the ri)ht! rain

The hu&an rain is i+urcated down the &iddle into two *arts, *o*ularl( /nown as the le+t rain and ri)ht rain res*ecti'el(! #e /now that di++erent *arts o+ the rain control di++erent odil( and &ental +unctions! O'er the (ears, a theor( that has )ained in *o*ularit( is that the ri)ht rain and the le+t rain are res*onsi le +or di++erent &odes o+ thou)ht and that the wa( in which a *erson thin/s will de*end on which side o+ his rain *redo&inates!

Le+t rain 's! ri)ht rain

0eo*le who rel( &ore hea'il( on the ri)ht hal+ o+ their rain tend to e &ore i&a)inati'e and intuiti'e! The( see thin)s as a whole and are interested in *atterns, sha*es and si1es! The ri)ht rain is associated with artistic a ilit( li/e sin)in), *aintin), writin) *oetr(, etc! Le+t. rain do&inated *eo*le &a( +ind their thou)ht *rocesses 'a)ue and di++icult to +ollow, +or the( are 2uite o**osite in the wa( the( thin/! Le+t. rain do&inated *eo*le tend to e &ore lo)ical and anal(tical in their thin/in) and usuall( e3cel at &athe&atics and word s/ills!

But this does not &ean that a *erson who is le+t or ri)ht rain do&inated does not use the other *art o+ his rain! For &ost *eo*le, the two *arts o+ the rain wor/ in tande& to ena le the& to +unction as well.rounded *ersonalities!

The ri)ht rain a sor s new in+or&ation in chun/s, ut it is the 4o o+ the le+t. rain to si+t and sort it in an or)ani1ed +ashion! Howe'er, there is no clear.cut de+inition o+ the +unctions o+ the two *arts o+ the rain! Each can do the other%s wor/, 4ust not as e++icientl(! 5ost *eo*le ha'e a tendenc( to lean towards usin) the le+t or ri)ht rain while thin/in) or learnin)! For instance, ri)ht rain do&inated *eo*le are o+ten *oor s*ellers as the( tend to rel( &ore on their intuition rather than actuall( stud(in) the order in which the letters in a word occur!

Acade&ics and thin/in)

At the ti&e o+ their irth, a ies are not *redis*osed to e either le+t rain or ri)ht rain thin/ers! Un+ortunatel(, our education s(ste& with its e&*hasis on rote learnin) and e3a& s(lla i is &ore tuned to encoura)in) le+t. rain acti'it(, o+ten to the detri&ent o+ ri)ht rain creati'it(! School e3a&inations are desi)ned to test le+t. rain acti'it( and encoura)e con+or&it( in thou)ht! There is a *ossi ilit( that i+ ri)ht rain s/ills are not e3ercised, the( &a( not de'elo* su++icientl(!

#hen it co&es to acade&ics, le+t rain do&inated children do well at school, as the( are &ore li/el( to res*ond to +or&al learnin)! The( e3hi it )reater res*onsi ilit(, are 2uite content to stud( ( the&sel'es and ha'e )reater concentration! Ri)ht rain do&inated children, on the other hand, are less li/el( to *er+or& well acade&icall(! The( *re+er to stud( with co&*an(, cannot sit still +or 'er( lon) and are &ore res*onsi'e in in+or&al settin)s!

Con'er)ent and di'er)ent thin/in)

Le+t rain and Ri)ht rain do&inated *eo*le can also e cate)ori1ed as di'er)ent and con'er)ent thin/ers res*ecti'el(! A con'er)ent thin/er has a s(ste&atic a**roach and *la(s ( the rules! He anal(1es e'er(thin) and reaches a lo)ical conclusion! Thus, scienti+ic and &athe&atical acti'ities are &ore u* his street! Such *eo*le do 'er( well on strai)ht+orward 2uestion and answer t(*e tests!

$i'er)ent thin/ers, on the other hand, are creati'e and tend to throw the rules out o+ the window! The( are artistic and alwa(s loo/in) +or wa(s to e3*ress the&sel'es! The( do &uch etter in e3a&s that re2uire essa(.t(*e answers! There is no such thin) that it is etter to e le+t rain do&inated or ri)ht rain do&inated! "ou need oth /inds o+ thin/in) to +unction well! #hile a *erson &a( ha'e a do&inant st(le o+ thin/in), it would e interestin) to see how the other hal+ wor/s and e'en learn to de'elo* the s/ills that (ou lac/!

Left Brain and Right Brain Inventory

An in'entor( o+ the di++erent wa(s the le+t rain and ri)ht rain *rocess in+or&ation! #hile we ha'e a natural tendenc( towards one wa( o+ thin/in), the two sides o+ our rain wor/ to)ether in our e'er(da( li'es! The ri)ht rain o+ the rain +ocuses on the 'isual, and *rocesses in+or&ation in an intuiti'e and si&ultaneous wa(, loo/in) +irst at the whole *icture then the details! The +ocus o+ the le+t rain is 'er al, *rocessin) in+or&ation in an anal(tical and se2uential wa(, loo/in) +irst at the *ieces then *uttin) the& to)ether to )et the whole!

Left Brain Inventory

Verbal, focusing on words, symbols, numbers Analytical, led by logic Process ideas sequentially, step by step Words used to remember things, remember names rather than faces Ma e logical deductions from information Wor up to the whole step by step, focusing on details, information organised

Right Brain Inventory

Visual, focusing on images, patterns Intuitive, led by feelings Process ideas simultaneously Mind photos' used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps you remember Ma e lateral connections from information !ee the whole first, then the details

Left Brain Inventory

"ighly organised $i e ma ing lists and planning

Right Brain Inventory

#rganisation tends to be lac ing %ree association

$i e to now why you're doing something or why rules $i ely to follow rules without questioning them e&ist 'reasons( )ood at eeping trac of time !pelling and mathematical formula easily memorised +n,oy observing *o sense of time May have trouble with spelling and finding words to e&press yourself +n,oy touching and feeling actual ob,ects 'sensory input(

Left Brain Inventory

Plan ahead

Right Brain Inventory

-rouble prioritising. !o, often late, impulsive

$i ely to read instruction manual before trying /nli ely to read instruction manual before trying $isten to what is being said 0arely use gestures when tal ing $isten to how something is being said -al with your hands

$i ely to believe you're not creative, need to $i ely to thin you're naturally creative, but need to be willing to try and ta e ris s to develop your apply yourself to develop your potential potential

Left Brain vs. Right Brain $e+inition "his theory of the structure and functions of the mind suggests that the two different sides of the brain control two different 'modes' of thin!ing. &t also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other.

$iscussion ()perimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are responsible for different manners of thin!ing. "he following table illustrates the differences between left*brain and right*brain thin!ing+

Left Brain Lo)ical Se2uential Rational Anal(tical O 4ecti'e Loo/s at *arts

Right Brain Rando& Intuiti'e Holistic S(nthesi1in) Su 4ecti'e Loo/s at whole

How Le+t.Brain 's! Ri)ht.Brain Thin/in) I&*acts Learnin)

Curriculu&.*&n order to be more 'whole*brained' in their orientation, schools need to give e%ual weight to the arts, creativity and the s!ills of imagination and synthesis. Instruction.."o foster a more whole*brained scholastic e)perience, teachers should use instruction techni%ues that connect with both sides of the brain. "hey can increase their classroom,s right*brain learning activities by incorporating more patterning, metaphors, analogies, role playing, visuals and movement into their reading, calculation, and analytical activities. Assess&ent.*-or a more accurate whole*brained evaluation of student learning, educators must develop new forms of assessment that honor right*brained talents and s!ills.

Left Brain, Right Brain, Whole Brain?

Basic brain biology A simplified model of the human brain consists of many parts: Brain stem, hind brain, mid brain & cerebellum - the most ancient parts, connected to the spine, controls movement, breathing and heartbeats. Limbic system - consisting of many specialist organs including the Hypothalamus, hippocampus -developed in mammals. Some memory functions and generation of emotional responses. erebral corte! - the distinguishing feature of human brains

"he corte! is divided into t#o hemispheres, left and right connected by a thic$ layer of cells called the corpus callosum. %ost other parts of the brain are also divided laterally.

A lot of research has been done and is being done e)tending the theory of brain laterali.ation, learning styles and the implications for education.

"he above information helps us to understand the vast range of difference in people/s thin!ing and the need to use both sides of the brain effectively.


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