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Crab Soccer Date: 10/8/13

Teacher: Jamie Nagel School: N. Muskegon Elementary

Class: KIN 355 E%u#&ment 'sed: rd Grade e!el: 3 grade (our Cones and t)o *alls "#me: $:10am "argeted N+,-E ,tandard.s/: 10 10 30 20 50 3 ,&e4#5#4 6*7e4t#!e: 8a!e students )ork as a team and e9:#*#t &os#t#!e team)ork strateg#es. ,u4: as 4:eer#ng 5or ea4: ot:er and 4ommun#4at#ng as a team. Con4om#tant 6*7e4t#!e: t:e students )#ll *e &art#4#&at#ng #n &:ys#4al a4t#!#ty and us#ng l#sten#ng sk#lls Time Procedures Followed Materials Warm Up: No )arm u& needed *e4ause t:e students __0___ )#ll *e a4t#!e t:roug:out t:e ):ole lesson.
Minutes ___1 __ Seconds _1____ Minutes

Transition: ;:en I say go &la4e your toes on t:e green l#ne Set !nduction: <=a#se your :and #5 you :a!e e!er seen a 4ra* )alk#ng> <(or t:ose o5 you t:at :a!e #n ):at )ay does a 4ra* )alk?> <":at@s r#g:t a 4ra* )alks on all 5ours and generally mo!es s#de)aysA> <No)B ;:o :as &layed so44er *e5ore?> ;ell today )e are go#ng to &lay 4ra* so44erA "earna#le Piece: "oday you are go#ng to &ra4t#4e *e#ng a good teammate and 4ommun#4at#ng )#t: your teamA ":#s #n4ludes g#!#ng &os#t#!e 4:eers and talk#ng to ea4: ot:er to strateg#Ce. Presentation o% New Material&'irections: ;e are go#ng to &lay so44er ):#le mo!#ng around t:e gym l#ke 4ra*s. ;:o 4an tell me some o5 t:e rules o5 so44er? ":at@s r#g:t0 #n so44er you 4an only mo!e t:e *all )#t: your 5eet0 no :ands0 and your goal #s to k#4k t:e *all #nD*et)een t:e o&&os#ng teams 4ones. Ea4: team )#ll :a!e a goal#e0 one &erson ):o 4an &rote4t t:e goal )#t: *ot: t:e#r :ands and 5eet. ":e )#nner )#ll *e t:e team ):o gets t:e most goals. No) I )#ll s:o) you :o) 4ra*s )alk. .s:o) &os#t#on/ No) you try. (or sa5ety *e sure to look ):ere you are go#ng and not k#4k your ne#g:*or. I5 you are mo!#ng *a4k)ards *e 4aut#ous and do not go too 5ast or you m#g:t t#& o!er. I5 t:e *all goes out o5 *ounds0 5reeCe and I )#ll 4ome toss #t *a4k #nto &lay. ,o0 <;:at 4an you tou4: t:e *all )#t:?> <8o) many &eo&le on ea4: team 4an use t:e#r :ands?> +sk0 <are t:ere any %uest#ons?>

__1___ Minutes

___$__ Minutes

___( __ Seconds

__)___ Minutes

Transition: No) )e are go#ng to go do)n t:e l#ne and 4ount o55 *y ones and t)os. <=eady go> Make sure to remem*er your num*er0 ):en I say go0 ones are go#ng to )alk to t:#s goal .&o#nts/ and sele4t t:e#r goal#e0 <=eady go> ;:en I say go0 t:e t)os are go#ng to do t:e same and sele4t t:e#r goal#e. 6n4e your team :as sele4ted t:e goal#e 5a4e t:e 4enter o5 t:e 4ourt and )a#t 5or #nstru4t#on. *cti+it,: ;:en I say <4ra* )alk> get #nto &os#t#on and I )#ll toss t:e *all onto t:e 4ourt. Possi#le Modi%ications: +dd more *alls to make #t more 4:alleng#ng0 take a)ay t:e goal#e to make #t more 4:alleng#ng. "esson -e+iew: Great team)orkA No)0 )alk *a4k to t:e green l#ne and &la4e your toes on #t ;:o 4an tell me some strateg#es t:at t:e#r team used? Can you t:#nk o5 anyt:#ng else you 4ould@!e done to :a!e made your team more su44ess5ul? 8o) d#d your team 4ommun#4ate )#t: ea4: ot:er?

_1____ Minutes __1___ Minutes


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