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Currently working at a fortune 500 company I have taken in many different things.

I found that while in this class a lot of the things I was already doing for work were playing out in lecture. On site at Harley-Davidson I can see the processes in full motion. Witnessing teams growing and expanding while practicing lessons from our own classroom. What about this project though where has it tied into my real life? I can say that a lot of this came rooted from the foundation that I received at work. From being the employee who is emotionally attached at engaged to the company better known as Affective Commitment (Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson, 67). I am part of an 11 person team where in I assist all the others on various projects and meetings. Something that I really implement on a daily basis whether it be in the workplace or in real life is that of using processes to complete tasks. I know that I am able to trust those around me when it comes down to it. Having such an environment allows me to flourish in the realm of creation and task. (Laszlo A., Laszlo C., Johnsen, 38). As one can look at our theoretical model, you can see we have identified one space for creating a effective team is choosing the correct team or team types (Colquitt, Lepine, Wesson, 348). A great example of this would be my current roommates. I live with five other guys. This is quite the daunting task but considering what we are doing is helping each other get through some of the most challenging times of our lives; college. One could consider us to be one of the five team types. I would like to think that the six of us fall under the action team. This is when all members (or roommates) work together to execute difficult tasks under testing circumstances. As we each help each other with various tasks we all work together to help foster the better in each of us. This can fall under difficult times wherein each of us have something to do, but yet we still make the time for one another. While my roommates and I are on a team I also have devolved a team with my teachers and myself. Composed of both professors and teaching assistants we are all one team. Although a broad ideal it does boil down to the simple and basic formula presented in out Organizational Behavior text. Member roles are the first item of business to be laid out by the professor, as stated by Laird Mealiea and Ramon Baltazar this aids in both the courses success and mine. (145) This role laid out by the professor will then be broken down amongst its other layers to lead to the student or myself. Creating a channel of sorts that you would find in the corporate work place. Several member roles consist of various attributes brought by the member. If you are looking at this as a professor to teaching assistant to student relationship the student cold hold several different roles. Something that I really pride myself on is my communication network. Learning from a young age on how I need to network had been nothing but beneficial. A great way to become an effective member of a high performance team is to be a good listener. (page 145 in their work titled A strategic guide for building effective teams SGBET.) Something that often goes awry in many settings is not taking in a listening to all the input around you. I have found form being part of a integrated planning team at work when there is a problem it is usually pretty common and it can be solved by working it out with several others and their opinions. The key to doing this is listening to everyone and tying all the pieces together. Allowing all members of the team to have an open space to generate and share ideas is something that I work towards. (page 148, SGBET) This past summer I

developed a mobile App for the company. Being a 20-year-old intern I was given a lot of trust. A way in which I got what I needed and made sure it was up to par with all those around us was keeping an open space for opinions. This allowed all those to freely share their ideas and input. Overall I think that I have been able to greatly incorporate this theoretical model into all facets of my life.

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