Prova 8 Serie - Ingles - Carlos

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School GAII Grade- th Discipline English Date Pupil - _________________________________________ Teacher Carlos Maciel Value ___ points MAR

s MAR ________ I UNIDADE

TEXT Fashion: What do young people buy? Why?

Teenagers ha!e a special "a# o$ dressing% At a part# or on the street& going to school or "or'& it is not di$$icult to spot (oung people)s st#le% *hat is this st#le+ *h# is it so attracti!e to #oungsters+ *h# do ,an# teenagers -u# the sa,e t#pe o$ clothes and $ollo" a $ashion or in .anti-$ashion/ so,eti,es+ Identi$ication "ith their grou por their idols& a re-ellious trait in their personalit# these are signi$icant points to -e considered% In their "ill to -e $ree& #oung people tr# to -rea' s#ste, rules% At the sa,e ti,e& as the# o$ten li!e on little ,one#& the# ha!e to $orce the,sel!es to de!elop their creati!it#% Man# o$ the 0est teenage $ashion ideas co,e $ro, (oung people the,sel!es% These ideas are $re1uentl# used -# $ashion designers& -eco,ing instant hits%

Vocabulary: teenager 2teen 3 age 3r45 6o!e, entre 782thirteen4 e 792nineteen4 anos de idade2age4 to li e on5 !i!er de the!sel es5 2eles4 pr:prios

7% Match the "ords% 7% *hat ;% To -u# 8% Teenager <% To ha!e =% *a# 2 2 2 2 2 4 ,odo& ,aneira 4 ,oda 4 estilo 4co,prar 4 o 1ue

>% Part# @% *or' B% To Spot 9% St#le 7D% Idol 77% Designer 7;% Eashion

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4 ?dolo 4 localiAar& reconhecer 4 estilistaC pro6etista 4 adolescente 4 tra-alho 4 ter 4 $esta

;% Translate into Portuguese% a% *hat is this st#le+ __________________________________________ -% *h# is it so attracti!e to #oungsters+ _____________________________________________________________ 8% *rite (es or Fo according to the teGt% a% (oungsters tr# to -rea' s#ste, rules____ -% Teenagers $ollo" a $ashion -ecause onl# $ashion designers in$luence #oung people____ c% (oung people o$ten li!e on little Mone# _____ d% Hld people $orce #oung people to de!elop their creati!it# ____ e% Man# teenagers -u# the sa,e t#pe o$ clothes _____

<% Eind 2encontre4 the translation in the teGt% a% Muitas das ,elhores idIias de ,oda 6o!e, !J, dos pr:prios 6o!ens% _________________________________________________________ __________________________________ -% Estas idIias sKo $re1uente,ente usadas por estilistas de ,oda& trans$or,ando-se e, sucessos instantLneos%

_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________

=% There is or there are+ 7% MMMMMMMM% a co,puter in the classroo,% ;% MMMMMMMM%%di$erent languages in 0raAil% 8% MMMMMMMM%%di$$icult "ords in the teGt% <% MMMMMMMM%%a -o# in the ele!ator% =% MMMMMMMM%%t"o correct ans"ers $or this 1uestion% >% MMMMMMMM%%a i,portant disco!er# in science% @% MMMMMMMM%%an o$$icial second language in India% B% MMMMMMMM%%-eauti$ul girls at the clu-%

>% Nse to be in the present% 7% I MMM%% a student% ;% The "orld MMM%% a s,all place% 8% *e MMMM%% i,portant% <% Portuguese MMMM our o$$icial language% =% Co,,unication and tra!el MMMM%% eGtre,el# 1uic'%

@% Nse the present continuous tense% 7% 2 to protest4 *e MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM% in the streets% ;% 2to loo'4 The teacher MMMMMMMMMMMMM% at #ou% 8% 2to read4 The students MMMMMMMMMMMMM%no"% <% 2to dress4 The girl MMMMMMMMMMMMMM%%%a T-shirt% =% 2to stud#4 I MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM%%English%


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