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National Junior Honor Society

Franklin Middle School Chapter Chapter Bylaws 2013-2014

Article I: Name
Section I: The name of this chapter is Franklin Middle School National Junior Honor Society.

Section II: The purpose of this chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership and citizenship, and to encourage the development of character in students of Franklin Middle School.

Article II: Personnel

Principal: Mrs. Sara Sanders Assistant Principal: Mr. David Mast Associate Principal: Ms. Renayee Westfield Chapter Advisers: Mrs. Joy Cordes & Mrs. Stacey Albers Chapter Officers: President: Tianxin Xu Vice President: Angie Song Secretary: Jade OConner Treasurer: Jay Sridharan Historian: Adam Rebei

Article III: Chapter Leadership

I. Principal: The principal has the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter. This authority extends to selection and dismissal of members. The principal cannot serve as chapter adviser and is not a member of the voting faculty council. The principal receives appeals in cases of non-selection of candidates and the discipline or dismissal of members.

II. Chapter Adviser(s): The chapter adviser shall be a member of the faculty of the school where the chapter is located. The adviser promotes chapter activities, stimulates positive actions by members, and provides information on local and national policies regulating chapter activities. The adviser approves chapter activities, maintains chapter records, and attends all meetings and functions.

III. Chapter Officers: Chapter officers are elected through a democratic process. Chapter officers include president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and historian. All positions will be help by an eighth grader, except historian. The historian will be designated for a seventh grader. Officers will be expected to meet with the adviser in order to assist in the planning of chapter meetings, activities, and service projects.

IV. Chapter Members: Membership in the NJHS is both an honor and a responsibility. Studetns
selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. All members must maintain the standards by which the member was selected (continued performance at or above the required 4.0 GPA, involvement in service and leadership projects, etc.). In addition, members must attend meetings and perform both individual and chapter service projects.

Article IV: Chapter Officers

President: The president shall assist in the planning of service projects and preside over the meetings for this chapter.

Vice President: The vice president shall preside in the absence of the president at the meetings for this chapter and shall keep a record of members contributions to leadership and service.

Secretary: The secretary shall keep minutes at the chapter meetings and be responsible for all official chapter correspondence.

Treasurer: The treasurer shall keep the record of business expenses, dues, and all other financial transactions of the chapter.

Historian: The historian shall read the minutes from the previous chapter meeting. In addition, the historian will document service projects of the chapter.

Article V: Selection Procedures

*Student applications will be scored by at least two members of the Franklin faculty. Faculty members will score applications using a rubric based on the following criteria:

Scholarship: The scholarship requirement set by the National Council is based on a students cumulative GPA. The minimum GPA to be considered for NJHS is 4.0 and must have been maintained for two semesters.

Leadership: The leadership criterion is highly important for membership selection. Students who exercise leadership are resourceful, demonstrate initiative, exercise positive influence on peers, contribute ideals, inspire, demonstrate academic initiative, hold school office, demonstrate reliability, and are dependable in any responsibility accepted.

Service: Service is considered to be those actions undertaken by the student, which are done with or on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation. Students who demonstrate service: volunteer, work well with others, enthusiastically render any requested service to the school, are willing to represent the class or school, do committee and class work without complaint, participate in activities outside of the school, mentor, and show courtesy to everyone they encounter.

Citizenship: Students who demonstrate citizenship understand the importance of civic involvement, have a high regard for freedom and justice, and demonstrate mature participation in school and community organizations.

Character: The student of character consistently exemplifies desirable qualities, cooperates, demonstrates honesty and reliability, and actively helps rid the school of bad influences. A student of character has not received a discipline referral.

*Candidates become full members when inducted at a special ceremony.

Article VI: Discipline & Dismissal

Section I: Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, citizenship, or service may be considered for dismissal. A member of the NJHS is expected to maintain his or her academic standing and take an active role in service and leadership to his or her school and community.

Section II: If a members cumulative FPA falls below the standard in effect when he or she was selected, he or she will be given a written warning and a time period for improvement. If the cumulative GPA remains below the standard he or she may be considered for dismissal.

Section III: Violation of the law or school regulations can result in dismissal of a member.

Article VII: Chapter Events

Induction Ceremony: Members will be officially welcomed into the NJHS with an induction ceremony. Officers will be sworn in at this time. Past members and prominent members of the community will be invited to attend, as well as family members of the inductees.

Meetings: Meetings will be held every other Friday at 7:30 am the library or as announced by the chapter adviser and officers. Service Projects: Members of NJHS will participate in projects that serve both the school and the local community. Upcoming events include: Recycling: NJHS members will promote the recycling of paper in the building. Members will create posters to encourage the school to recycle. Students will partner with the life skill students to collect paper from classrooms every Friday. Literacy Campaign: Students will collect books read totals from reading classrooms weekly. Students will also help plan and facilitate Family Literacy Night. Tutoring: Members will tutor peers at homework club weekly. Students will create posters to promote participation in the weekly homework club. Additional projects will be added upon the societys agreement. Individual: Members are required to participate in individual service projects within the school and community.

Sample Meeting Agenda

I. Call to order II. Attendance III. Minutes from previous meeting (Historian) IV. Project reports V. Unfinished business VI. New business VII. Adjournment

National Junior Honor Society Member Pledge

I pledge myself to uphold the high purposes of the National Junior Honor Society to which I have been selected, striving in every way by word and by deed to make its ideals the ideals of my school and my life.

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