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You are my sunshine

A girl named Maria lived with her father in the countryside. When she was born, her mother had died. So her father found another woman to be her mother. Scene1 One day, her mother run away from them because they are poor. Her father takes her to another big city to develop her father s career. !ather" Maria, get up, it s time to go to school. #ou don t want to be late for the first day of you new school, right$ %hen Maria gets up. Scene2 Maria comes to the new school and walks into the classroom. All the students from the big city laugh at her because of her clothes. %eacher" Hey guys& 'et s welcome the new student to (oin our class. Maria" )mm...hello$ My name is Maria... Student A" *hristian, look her. Student +" She has a shoes that my grandmother has. Student A" And my grandmother also has one. Student +"Oh, that sucks... %hen the whole class starts to laugh at her. She feels inferior and lower her head. Suddenly, a fashion girl comes into the classroom. She is ,li-abeth. ,li-abeth" .s it funny to laugh at a new student$ #ou should look at yourself before you make fun of somebody else. She shouts at the whole class, walks towards Maria and sits down. ,li-abeth" Welcome to (oin our class, . m ,li. #our name is..$ Maria" Maria& . hope we can be friends later. Maria walks slowly around the classroom to find a seat. %hen she chooses to sit in the last row. Student A" Who allows you to sit there$ %hat s ,dward s seat. Maria" ,dward$ Who is he$ Where is he$ Why is he not in class now$ %he Monitor" ,dward is a handsome gentleman who can play the piano really good. His father is the biggest shareholder of our school. ,dward will play the piano in the piano room during his free time. As you can see, that beautiful girl is his girlfriend. Also ,li is the daughter of a famous boss in our city. Maria" So cool& %hey fits each other. %he Monitor" #es, and they were friends when theyre very young. Maria chooses another seat and sits down.

Scene3 /uring the day, she was walking alone to visit the beautiful cample. %hen she walked into that piano room. Opened the door and came into the room. ,dward stops playing and looks at her. ,dward" How did you get here$ Who are you$ Maria" Sorry, the door is not locked. %he voice of the piano is so wonderful. ,dward" %hanks. Oh, . forgot to introduce myself. My name is ,dward. 0ice to meet you. Maria" . m Maria. 0ice to meet you, too. ,dward" Are you a new student$ %his is my place. 0obody has ever got here before and you are the first person. Maria" Oh& %hat s my honor. Wait, you also mean ,li$ ,dward" Of course& . mean anyone including her. #ou are the first one. Maria" 1eally$ +ut she is your girlfriend. ,dward" .t s (ust our families wish. .n fact, . donnot want to be her boyfriend anymore. #ou are so matey. . m happy to chat with you. #ou could be here if you have free time later. Marie" Okay, . appreciate. Scene4 %hen ,dward and Maria became good friends. %hey always chat and share their own happiness to each other. One day, in the classroom, ,dward gives a note to her. ,dward" .ll be there after school. Maria wants to go there after school. Scene5 2radually, ,li found that ,dward always stayed with Maria. She was very angry so she wanted to kick her out of the school. ,li and Maria had a talk in the classroom after class. ,li" Stop, Maria& Maria" What s up, ,li$ ,li" . think maybe we need to talk right now. Maria" Okay... What do you wanna talk with me$ ,li" . have to remind you. ,dward is my boyfriend. Maria" . have ever known that, but what do you want to say$ ,li" #ou must far away from him. Maria" We re (ust friends.. ,li" . don t want to listen to your e3cuse. .f you still stay with him, . will kick you out of the school.

Scene6 One day,,dward and Maria was playing in the school park. Maria runs on the grass and ,dward sits beside her. Maria" .t s a beautiful sunny day. ,dward" .t is because of you. Maria" What$4run and run5 ,dward" #ou are my sunshine. Maria". can t hear you. ,dward")mm, nothing, (ust be careful. %hey smile to each other. %hen they fall in love. Scene7 Several days later,,dward s mother came to find ,dward when he was in the piano room. ,dward"Hi, mom what s up$ Mom" #our grandfather s health is not good in ,ngland. We will go there tomorrow, you should back home to pack up now. ,dward" Okay, . ll be back later. ,dward" When do you come back$ Mum" . dont know, maybe after a year. +ecause that event was a emergency. He did not have enough time to say goodbye to Maria. He wrote a note said 6sunshine room7 on the door. Scene8 After ,dward s family went to ,ngland, ,dward and ,li s !amilies had a big issue because of the business and money. ,dward s father lost his career and all the money. %wo families became enemies. ,dward s father wanted to kill ,li s family members to revenge. Scene9 One day, Maria was looking out of the window. ,li past there and saw Maria. She walked to Maria to say sorry to her and to see if they can try to be friends again. At that time, the killer was sent to kill ,li by ,dward s father appeared. He was trying to kill ,li, but accidentally Maria turned her head around and saw the killer. She blocked the attack of the killer and she died. She saved ,li made ,li so shame to her. Scene10 When ,dward knew Maria s death, he came back from ,ngland. He came into the piano room and stood in front of the piano. He saw a note on the

piano, and 2rabbed it to see. %he character said" ,dward, you re my sunshine. He stood up and went out of the piano room, then he looked at the sky. He said" 6 Maria, . heard you, you are my sunshine.

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