A Defam Explan

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A. Reflection on Blog Post I chose this blog post because I think it is one of my better blogs.

I love ballet so I am sure I was more enthusiastic about writing this. I think I was trying to vary the lengths of my sentences because if I dont I end up with a lot of run on sentences. I think this is because I love to talk and I talk a lot. When discussing Learning to Read I considered Malcolm Xs experiences, but also tried to take a different perspective than the one that was given in the reading. I tried to look at both sides of an argument when writing, or at least consider them. I used my favorite word, metacognition in this blog post. I also have terrible transitions and that is something I tend to struggle with. I also like that two people responded this post. In my response you can hear my tone and how enthusiastic I am. Kevin and Darry had never thought of dance as a literacy, through my post I defamiliarized their previous notions of dance and of literacies. I brought them to this strange, new conclusion, to get them to think of how the body and convey meaning.

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