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Vernica Vargas Guadalupe ENG 1101 Rebecca Agosta December 4, 2013 Final Reflective Letter This Portfolio illustrates

the work that I have completed during this semester and how my work has improved. I completed many different types of assignments and I have gained a new insight from each. I think that my writing and thinking has evolved since when I started this class because while doing this portfolio I got to look back at the work I did in the beginning of the semester and compare it to the work I have done at the end of the semester. I have seen extreme growth at the way I approach the readings and how I write mainly because of the new concepts I have learned in this class. When I started in this class, you told us that we had to do blogs. I did not like them at first because it was too much work. After a while I realized that they were helping me improve my writing. They helped understand the difference At the beginning I would just

between analyzing and summarizing a reading.

summarize the reading but then I learned that there are many different things you can do that would be considered analyzing. I could relate the reading to my personal experiences. I could try to infer what the author was trying to say, and

then explain if I agree with it or not. There are many more ways to analyze a reading and I learned that through the blogs. The main weakness I find that I have in most of my writing is grammar. It has improved a little bit throughout the semester but not a lot. Also, when we do workshops together in class, I am not the best person to do them. I know they help a lot, because we get other peoples perspectives and it helps to improve my writing, but I am never good at giving feedback. I never really know what to say. During this class I learned how things are never as simple as you think. When I thought about literacies, for example, I thought of only the ability to read and write. I learned in this class that it is much more complex than that. Basically anything can be literacy, it depends on the person. Me learning English was a literacy and nowadays having computer knowledge was a literacy. Couple of

years back that would not have been the same so I think that the concept of literacy can change over time also.

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