Sample Form 1 - EOTC Event Proposal

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EOTC Event Proposal

Not all sections will be relevant to every proposed EOTC activity
Class: Person in Charge (PIC): The PIC should complete this form at the outset of planning for the EOTC activity. The PIC should already have received approval in principle for the proposed activity. When approval is given one copy of this form should !e retained !y the approver and another !y the PIC. The principal"!oard should !e informed of any su!se#uent changes in planning organisation and"or staffing. 1. Purpose of EOTC event

2. Specific learning outcomes and curriculum links

3. Site/s w ere event will take place

!. "ates and times $ate of $eparture: Time: $ate of return: Time:

#. Transport arrangements$ Include names of transport company volunteer drivers and vehicle registration num!ers.

&. "etails of outside provider/s to 'e used in t e EOTC activities (if an)*. Company %ddress Company %ddress

Phone &anager +. Proposed cost and financial arrangements.

Phone &anager

,. "etails of programmed activities.

-. "etails of an) a.ardous activit) and t e associated planning/ organisation and staffing (please attach '%&( or (%P or similar form"s).

10. 1ames/ relevant e2perience/ 3ualifications and specific responsi'ilities of staff accompan)ing t e group.

11. 1ames/ relevant e2perience/ 3ualifications and specific responsi'ilities of ot er adults accompan)ing t e part).

12. 1ame/ address and telep one num'er of t e sc ool contact person w o olds all information a'out t e EOTC event in case of emergenc). )ame %ddress

Telephone 13. E2isting knowledge of EOTC event site and w et er a pre4visit is intended .

1!. Si.e and composition of t e group$ %ge range )um!er of males %ctivity leader"participant ratio 1#. 5nformation on parental consent$ Consent may precede or follo* approval. Please attach copy of information !eing sent to parents and the parental consent form. 1&. 1ames and 'rief details of students wit special educational or medical needs$ )um!er of females

Teacher in charge full name: (igned: $ate:

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