For The Sake of Allah

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Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He who displeased Allah for seeking the pleasure

of people, Allah is displeased with him and those people are also displeased, for pleasing whom
he had earned Allah’s displeasure. And he who pleases Allah, although by it he displeased
people, Allah is pleased with him, and also those people whom he had displeased for pleasing
Allah become pleased with him. Allah makes him splendid and his speech and acts in the eyes of
others beautiful.” [Tibrani]

This is a wonderful hadith which simplifies life immensely for us. It is impossible to please
everybody all the time. In fact, it is even impossible to please one person all the time. Allah
(subhana wa ta’ala) tells us that instead of constantly catering to one person or another, we
should direct all our efforts to pleasing Allah, and He will take care of all the rest. Many a times
we shy away from obeying Allah (subhana wa ta’ala), fearing repercussions at the workplace or
in our relationships. This hadith warns us against disobeying Allah for the sake of His creatures.
In the long run, none of those people will be pleased with us for whom we disobey Allah
(subhana wa ta'ala).

If a woman dresses to please a man other than her husband, cooks to suit the other man's taste
rather than her husband's, talks in a manner to please the other man, what would most people
think of her? Yet we do the same infidelity with Allah! We care about pleasing everybody except
the most important Being with whom we have the deepest and most lasting relationship.

Love for Allah and His Beloved Rasulullah (‫)صلى ال عليه وسلم‬

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