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Azia Ludwig Sue Briggs Eng. 1010- 11:30 12/05/13 Reflection Writing has never come easy to me. It takes me a lot of time to plan and organize my thoughts. I am what you call a scatterbrain. This semester I learned a lot about writing. I learned more of my own writing style. As a student, I am not used to not having specific guidelines to follow. In this English 1010 class, the guidelines were very simple. I am the type of person who struggles without knowing exactly what the teacher is looking for. I learned not to depend on the teacher when it comes to writing. I finally understand how to organize my own thoughts, and to get it down on paper the right way. I learned different techniques and different styles. I learned about rhetorical techniques and annotated bibliographies. I learned how to make a summary a legitimate summary without imputing my opinion. I learned the true the meaning of ethos, pathos and logos. I learned how to use parenthetical notations in my writing. This semester I learned to look deeper into the sentences of a passage. I found different ways to connect with different pieces and to connect the different pieces back together. This semester I can fully appreciate the hard work you put up front will make it so much easier in the end. The last paper for this semester, I would rate my paper an eight out of ten. I feel like there may be somethings that I might be missing such as punctuation errors, and MLA formatting. I am

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happy with this paper. It took a so much work and time in the annotated bibliography paper; it really paid off for the synthesis/exploration. There is not anything that I would want to change in the paper, I am happy the way it turned out. As for peer review, this class made me realizes that some people just do not care as much as other do. I somehow I was always paired up with one of them that did not care. I ended up just going into this office and having one on one time with Sue for this last paper. I feel like I received more feedback that was helpful and pointed me into the direction of the actual assignment. Overall, I am happy with the class and the semester. It took a lot of work and time to figure out the right way to write. Before I would say that writing and English is not for me. Now I know that it is simply, do not over think and apply yourself to your writing. I am pleased with the semester and with the new knowledge that I have for writing. I am excited to use the information I learned into my future English classes.

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