Lesson Plan 4 - About Me - Paragraph Structure 2

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Lesson Title/Focus Subject/Grade Level Unit

Lesson 4 About Me Paragraph Structure Language Arts Grade 8 A + B Identity

Date Time Duration Teacher

April 16, 2013 45 min Victoria Budgell


General Learning Outcomes:

GLO 2.4 Create Original Texts GLO 3.3 Organize, Record, and Evaluate GLO 4.1 Enhance and Improve Generate Ideas create oral, print and other media texts related to issues encountered in texts and in own life Organize Information organize ideas and information to establish an overall impression or point of view in oral, print and other media texts. Revise and Edit use paragraph structures to demonstrate unity and coherence. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Students will: 1. 2. 3. In groups of 3, organize sentences to form a properly structured paragraph. In groups of 3, create a properly structured paragraph based on a given topic. Use information gathered via their mind map to construct 3 topic sentences.

Observations: Key Questions: Products/Performances: Formative, one on one instruction, How are paragraphs structured? Duotangs 3 topic sentences for their mind map. 2 Hamburger Paragraphs on chart paper.


Language Arts: Content and Teaching Strategies (Pearson)


Laptops Smart Board Chart paper Markers Duotangs

Introduction Attention Grabber Assessment of Prior Knowledge Expectations for Learning and Hamburger drawn on the board Verbal questions and responses. Students will listen to instruction and contribute to class discussion. Time 2 min


Students will follow along with class demonstrations. Students will work cooperatively in a small group setting. Students will use work time appropriately to finish projects on time. Book laptops, prep materials (chart paper, markers), create sentences and topics for paragraphs. Have students join you at the front Who can tell me how you make a hamburger? Body Hamburger method 2 buns topic and closure, patty cheese and lettuce juicy details. Compare writing a paragraph to making a hamburger. Paragraph Structure Several sentences grouped together discuss ONE MAIN SUBJECT 3 parts topic sentence, body sentences, concluding sentence. 10 min 40 min

Advance Organizer/Agenda Transition to Body

Learning Activity #1

http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/fwalters/para.html Activity for Review Dramatizing Lesson PD session (5 volunteers to the front, first topic sentence, 3 body sentences (details), concluding sentence. Have audience choose a topic and as each student to come up with a sentence on the spot.
Assessments/ Differentiation

Visual observation of student participation, one on one instruction and assistance, student responses. Build a burger group activity. Divide students into 5 groups of 3, have them arrange a 5 given sentences into a hamburger on chart paper. Provide students then with a topic and ask them to create their own burger style paragraph. Hang the charts up on the wall and review them as a class.

Learning Activity #2

20 min

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Burger Paragraphs on chart paper Work period Refer back to the mind map created last class. Have students select 3 topics about themselves and have them write a topic sentence for each.

Learning Activity #3

10 min

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Mind map topic sentences in duotang Closure 3 min 5 min

Feedback From Students:

Verbal, mind map, 3 topic sentences.

Feedback To Students Transition To Next Lesson

Verbal during review of burger paragraphs and throughout class. Next class Adding juicy details and closing sentence.

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