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Conventions: Dress is normally associated with what a person is most comfortable in.

Trust, inside jokes, socializing

Communication: Normal household conversations, text, calls, facetime

Joining: Must be born into a family or adopted. For friends, have a special bond with an individual or group

Genres: Rosary, holy water, the Bible

Communication: Prayers, sacrament of reconciliation, communion

Conventions: Dress formally especially for mass, be polite, sing, listen and pray

Genre: Cell phones, computer, cards, calls, emails

Family & Social


Joining: Obtain high school diploma, take standardized test, apply to school of choice

Discourse Community Map

Joining: Be a catholic born and baptized. Communion and



Joining: Must obtain a USA Federation refereeing badge

Genres: Notes, essay, reading, homework, research

Communication: Email, student instructor conferences, class participation

Conversations: Dress is normally casual, more formal on special occasion. Language and study skills are looked to be improved

Genres: Game card, paychecks, whistle, ags

Communication: Emails, text, referee signals

Conventions: Dress with appropriate referee attire including badge. Language has to be clear and non-offensive

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