The Higher Banishing Ritual of Lucifer

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The Higher Banishing ritual of Lucifer 1. Stand in the center of your room facing East.

Visualize yourself towering over Earth. Then look u and see a s here of Electric Blue light decending into the to of your head. !ut your right finger"or #thame$ to your forehead and intone % Say& tan&as'. (. !ointing your right finger at your root chakra) see the light travel down and engulf it. *ntone Loo&si&+er. ,. Touching your right shoulder) see the light enter into your right shoulder. *ntone -eh&lek&tah&oos' .. See a /eam of /lue electric light entering the left shoulder meeting the one from the right in the center of your chest and intone Shh&aaaaah&eeeee&taaaan&ees. 0. Bring /other hands together in % rayer osition' and intone %neh&em&ah' 1. Visualize the cross of /lue light within you e2tending out to the universe. 3ow watch as the to line of the cross moves downward) creating and inverted cross. Visualize and hold this for a few seconds. 4. +acing east) trace with your finger a large inverted entegram. See it radiate with /lue light. 5. +ace south. 6e eate. Then ) west ) north) then return to east osition. 7. There should now /e . Effulgent) *nverted !entegrams surrounding you at each 8uarter. 9nce again ) +ace East."The first !entegram you traced$. 1:. Visualize the giant *nverted ;ross within you. Look forward to the east and say) %Before -e Stands Lucifer'. *ntone Loo&siii&ferr . Visualize Lucifer standing /efore you engulfed in electric /lue light. 11. +eel another resence /ehind you and say %Behind -e Stands #staroth' *ntone #ah& staa&roh&oth. Visualize #staroth standing /efore you engulfed in electric /lue light. 1(. +eel a resence to the left of you and say % #t my left Stands Beelze/u/' *ntone Beel& zzzeh&/uu/. Visualize Beelze/u/ standing /efore you engulfed in electric /lue light. 1,. +eel a resence at you right and say %#t my right Stands #zazel' *ntone #ah&<ay&z& Eel. Visualize #zazel standing /efore you engulfed in electric /lue light. 1.. Looking to the east again) visualize the . inverted entagrams surrounding you ) engulfing all in their Blue Electric Light.. %#round my shine the !entagrams=' 10. Visualize the Sigil of Lucifer. %>ithin me shines the Sign of Satan= 11 6e eat the cross inverted as descri/ed in ste s 1 & 1. #ll unwanted influences "ie #3?ELS)#6;H#3?ELS and the like. Enteties and s irits of @ah&wey$ have /een B#3*SHEA /y the mighty ower of Lucifer and you are now

rotected /y the ;rown !rinces of Hell= !roceed with your ritual knowing they are with you. H#*L S#T#3.

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