Lessonplan 2 Bluegroup

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Alverno Lesson Plan Format Cathy Boerner ED 201 April 14, 2010

Learning Goal (DP Content !tan"ar"# nstr$%tional +,-e%tive(s# !t$"ents re%ogni&e tone, re%ogni&e irony, i"enti'y theme, an" ma(e personal responses )hile intro"$%ing ne) story to rea"* Prepare st$"ents 'or rea"ing, "is%$ss .irony/ an" .similes/ Dis%$ss prior (no)le"ge o' 'amily "ynami%s an" "iversity* Dis%$ss )hat ma(es a 'amily .typi%al/ !t$"ents a%%$rately re%ogni&e reality an" e1aggeration )ithin 'i%tional0h$mor genre ,y giving e1ample an" relating to real li'e e1perien%e* !t$"ents a%tively parti%ipate in )e, "iagram o' a .typi%al 'amily/, provi"ing traits or %hara%teristi%s o' )hat they thin( is an average 'amily .3n%le 2ort4s 5on"er'$l Presents/ ,y Polly 6orvath 7ote,oo(s an" pen%ils Dry erase ,oar" an" mar(er 20 min$tes total, 9:; min$tes 'or rea"ing* ntro"$%tion o' ne) ,oo(< 2a(ing pre"i%tions an" i"enti'ying theme ,ase" on 'ront %over an" pi%t$res As( =$estions relate" to ,oo(4s %ontent< .6ave yo$ ever tho$ght yo$r 'amily )as ,oring>/? .5hat are some )ays that 'amilies %an ma(e their ro$tines more interesting>/? .Are there any relatives or 'amily 'rien"s )ho liven $p the 'amily )hen they visit>/ Dis%$ss .8ypi%al Family/ "ra) )e, "iagram !t$"ents as(e" to list traits o' the "i''erent roles in 'amily "enti'y similes .li(e/ or .as/ Dis%$ss .)hat is irony>/ Con%l$"e )ith $n"erstan"ing that .All 'amilies are "i''erent/ !t$"ents rea" silently 'or 9:; min$tes, as(ing =$estions i' they li(e*

Assessment (Criteria0Loo( Fors#

2aterials 8ime (8otal an" !pe%i'i%# nstr$%tional Pro%e"$res ntro"$%tion

Developing the Lesson Demonstration, Parti%ipation, Pra%ti%e


Clos$re< Go over home)or(, rea" 'irst @ %hapters ,y 5e"nes"ay, )rite in -o$rnal* As( %hil"ren to )rite a,o$t some o' the e1aggerations they %ome a%ross in the rea"ing* 5hat is '$nny a,o$t the 'oo" the 'amily eats> 5hat are some silly "etails> !t$"ents %an )rite "o)n any $n'amiliar )or"s to "is%$ss*

!t$"ent A%%omo"ations

' )e r$n to long )ith "is%$ssion, st$"ents %an $se gro$p time tomorro) 'or in %lass rea"ing* ' )e r$n short on time, %hil"ren %an ,egin rea"ing Chapter 1:@

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