BUS499 - Su07Castaneda

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Chicago Campus

School of Business & Information Technology

Syllabus BUS 499 Business Policy & Strategic Solutions Summer II 2007 Term II: June 28 to August 18

Room and Meeting Dates TBA Bob Castaneda, DBA, CPA, Instructor
.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions BUS499 Summer II 2007

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007

ARGOSY UNIVERSITY Chicago COURSE SYLLABUS Business o!ic" # S$ra$egic %ecision Course Num&er' BUS()) Term' Summer II 2007 Ins$ruc$or' Dr. Bob Castaneda 312-4 !-202! bobcastaneda$att.net 312- 4'-31( Cam*us' Cre+i$' Chicago 3

Con$ac$ In,orma$ion' Phone: "mai#: %a&:

E+uca$iona! # ro,essiona! Bac-groun+ o, Ins$ruc$or'

Welcome to Business Policy & Strategic Decisions. My name is Dr. Bob Castaneda and I will be your instructor over the next wee!s. I have over "# years o$ ex%erience in various accounting and $inance management roles with com%anies such as &merican 'x%ress( Pe%siCo( and McDonald)s Cor%oration. I am %assionate about accounting and $inance and en*oy teaching these courses. I have had a chance to live and wor! in a number o$ international mar!ets in a %ro$essional ca%acity including &rgentina( Bra+il( Mexico and ,ene+uela. My hobbies are bi!e riding( museum trolling( and *ogging. I live in downtown Chicago and en*oy the windy cities la!e$ront activities. I received my doctorate with a concentration in accounting $rom &rgosy -niversity( an MB& with concentrations in $inance and mar!eting $rom .orthwestern -niversity and a BSC with concentrations in accounting and mar!eting $rom DePaul -niversity. I am also a certi$ied %ublic accountant.

O,,ice .ours an+ E!ec$ronic Communica$ion' I am a)ai#ab#e *onda+ thru Saturda+s ,rom ! -* to 'P*. I can be reached at 312-4 !-202! or i, +ou #ea)e a message I .i## get right bac/ to +ou. 0ou can a#so emai# me at bobcastaneda$att.net as I chec/ m+ messages regu#ar#+. You /i!! nee+ $o su&mi$ "our /or- $o me 0ia emai! a$ en+ o, +a" Sun+a"s1 !ease &e sure $o *u$ "our name on "our /or- as /e!! as in $he ,i!e 2i11e1 /ee- 3 s$u+en$name1+oc41 Course %escri*$ion' 1his integrati)e course is the cu#mination o, the BSB- 2rogram and .i## ,ocus on ana#+3ing a com2an+4s current strateg+5 2er,ormance and resu#ts. Students .i## in)estigate the e&terna#
.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions BUS499 Summer II 2007

en)ironment5 industr+ d+namics and com2etiti)e ,orces in a strategic business 2#an. -ttention .i## be gi)en to s2ecia# issues5 to2ics and cha##enges ,aced b+ those ma/ing cor2orate strateg+. 1his course must be ta/en in the students4 ,ina# semester. Course rere5uisi$e' Student must be in ,ina# semester. Course Sche+u!e' 1his course that is o,,ered in Summer II 2007 at the Chicago Cam2us. Re5uire+ Te6$&oo-' 1it#e: -uthor6s7: Co2+right: Pub#isher: ISB<: "dition: Strategic *anagement 8. 8. Dess5 8.1. 9um2/in : -. B. "isner 200( *c8ra.-;i## Ir.in 0-07-310247-7 3rd

1e&tboo/s can be ordered ,rom htt2:==direct.mbsboo/s.com=argos+.htm It is recommended that a## students com2#ete the In,ormation 9iterac+ 1utoria# a)ai#ab#e on#ine at http://library.argosyu.edu/infolit/. 1his tutoria# 2ro)ides in,ormation on the ,o##o.ing to2ics: ,inding artic#es5 choosing a to2ic5 using the .eb5 and citing sources. In Class Meetings Week ending Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Course Se5uence' -s the ca2stone course in the BSB-5 B>S 32' integrates the course content in 2rior courses and cha##enges the students to a22#+ /no.#edge5 s/i##s and ana#+tica# too#s gained in the BSBprogram. DATES 07/02 07/09 07/16 07/23 07/30 08/06 08/13 08/20 TIMES 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM 6 to 9PM

rogram Ou$comes an+ Course O&7ec$i0es

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions BUS499 Summer II 2007

BSBA rogram Ou$comes' 1. Communica$ion 8 Communicate business conce2ts e,,ecti)e#+5 both .ritten and ora##+ a22ro2riate to the audience 2. Team 8 De,ine the attributes o, an e,,ecti)e team member and #eader and the characteristics o, an e,,ecti)e team in reaching s2eci,ic business goa#s 3. ro&!em So!0ing ? 8i)en a business 2rob#em5 se#ect and de,end a business so#ution chosen ,rom s2eci,ic a#ternati)es 4. In,orma$ion Li$erac" ? 8i)en a business research @uestion5 access in,ormation ,rom a )ariet+ o, sources5 se#ect a22ro2riate sources to res2ond to a business @uestion '. In$egra$ion ? Describe the interre#ationshi2 o, the ,unctiona# business areas o, statistics5 accounting5 o2erations5 ,inance5 mar/eting5 and strateg+ (. E$hics 9 Identi,+ the issues and cha##enges re#ated to ethics in current business organi3ations 7. %i0ersi$" ? Identi,+ the issues and cha##enges re#ated to di)ersit+ in current business organi3ations Course O&7ec$i0es' :hen s$u+en$s ha0e success,u!!" com*!e$e+ $his course; $he" /i!! &e a&!e $o' 1. Work individually and in teams to gather information and apply the tools and process of strategic management to create sustainable competitive advantage for a firm (Strategic *anagement Process7 6Program Autcomes 1-77. 2. Work individually and in teams to gather information and conduct an analysis of a firms external environment for use in its strategy formulation ("&terna# "n)ironment -na#+sis7 6Program Autcomes 1-77. 3. Work individually and in teams to gather information to assess the effectiveness of firms current strategy and current situation using a variety of analytical tools (Com2an+ Situation -na#+sis7 6Program Autcomes 1-77. 4. Work individually and in teams to gather information to formulate strategic options available to a firm at the business unit level 6Strateg+ %ormu#ation: Business >nit and Cor2orate 9e)e# Strateg+7. '. Work individually and in teams to gather information to determine when international expansion is a viable diversification strategy and how to enter new global markets. now when and how to apply e!business strategies to grow a business ("ntering Internationa# *ar/ets and 9e)eraging the Internet7 (Program Autcomes1-77. (. Work individually and in teams to gather information to identify the characteristics needed to create an ethical culture and a learning organi"ation (Cor2orate 8o)ernance5 9eadershi25 and "thics7 6Program Autcomes1-77.

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007

7. Work individually and in teams to gather information to identify problems and develop a plan for implementing solutions to those problems 6Prob#em So#)ing7 (Program Autcomes 1-77.

Course Projects and Evaluation

Course Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7

Assessment C#ass Partici2ation <e.s Print Industr+ Strategic P#an 6Cha2ters 1-47 Part I <e.s Print Industr+ Strategic P#an 6Cha2ters '-117 Part II <e.s Print Industr+ Strategic P#an Presentation Parts I and II 1.o Dui33es

% of Grade 2' B 20 6Cee/ 37 2'B 6Cee/ 77 10B 20B 6Cee/ 3 and Cee/ 77

Participation / Learning Activities Participation and completing listed and newly assigned learning activities is critical to your learning and the learning of your colleagues. Participation points will be assigned each week. Online participation will include evaluation through the rubric below. Each week, there is a Discussion Board assignment. Initial response to each uestion must be posted by !uesday, ""#$% P& '(.).!.* of each week 'unless otherwise noted*. Between +ednesday morning and )aturday evening, a robust discussion should occur. !he Discussion Board is similar to a group discussion, e,cept all participants do not need to be in the same place at the same time. Please plan your time during the course to participate. Posting on the Discussion Board in the ""th hour is similar to arriving in a classroom minutes before dismissal- posting after the &odule has concluded is the same as arriving to class after it is over.

Partici2ation = 9earning -cti)ities ")a#uation Eubric "&ce##ent Ees2onses met or e&ceeded e&2ectations5 strong#+ engaged5 high @ua#it+ o, e&2#oration. Sho.s a con,ident understanding o, the conce2ts and su22orts arguments .ith e,,ecti)e 8ood Strong#+ engaged5 high @ua#it+ o, e&2#oration. Student understands the conce2ts5 but #ac/s the c#arit+ in argument. -necdota# res2onses ,rom 2ersona#

%air Ees2onses met or e&ceeded e&2ectations5 strong#+ engaged5 high @ua#it+ o, e&2#oration. Sho.s a con,ident understanding o, the conce2ts and su22orts arguments .ith e,,ecti)e
Summer II 2007

Poor Discussion @uestions .ere not ans.ered on time and=or did not engage in discussion .ith other c#assmates. Did not com2#ete assignment.

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions

reasons and e)idence. -cti)e#+ engaged in discussion .ith other c#assmates.

e&2eriences e&ceed conce2ts ,rom te&t=cha2ters. *oderate#+ engaged in discussion .ith other c#assmates.

reasons and e)idence. Did not engage in discussion .ith other c#assmates.

<ui==es' 1here .i## be t.o @ui33es: one in Cee/ 3 and one in Cee/ !. 1he @ui33es .i## co)er materia# ,rom the assigned readings ,rom the te&t. S$ra$egic !ans' In teams5 +ou .i## com2#ete a ca2stone 2roFect5 - Strategic P#an ,or the <e.s Print Industr+ 62ages (7(-( 0 in te&t boo/75 using the mode# on 2ages '2(-'30 o, the te&t. Part 1 o, the P#an is due in Cee/ 4G Part II is due in Cee/ 7. 1he Strategic P#an .i## be assessed based on the ,o##o.ing criteria: .Student4s abi#it+ to a22#+ conce2ts co)ered in the course and readings to the case under re)ie.. .Student4s abi#it+ to ana#+3e interna# strengths and .ea/nesses. Student4s abi#it+ to assess the com2etiti)e 2osition Student4s abi#it+ to conduct en)ironmenta# ana#+sis and de)e#o2ing a22ro2riate reactions resen$a$ions1 Both Parts I and II o, the <e.s Print Industr+ Strategic P#an .i## be 2resented. 1he 2resentation .i## occur at a common time5 )ia PC5 Internet5 and the Ceb"H Ser)ice. Ceb"H combined .ith the te#e2hone .i## a##o. +ou to ma/e the 2resentations ,rom +our #ocation and the 2ro,essor .i## hear +our )oice and obser)e +our charts and gra2hs in a Po.erPoint Presentation on the monitor at -rgos+ Chicago. 1he 2resentation .i## be assed based on the ,o##o.ing criteria: In,ormed ana#+sis=summar+ on the com2an+ based on the submissions o, the strategic 2#an. .C#arit+ and ,ocus on the /e+ strategic issues o, the com2an+. .-bi#it+ to de)e#o2 a#ternati)es = recommendations <eatness = Argani3ation = Criting = Communication Gra+ing Cri$eria' 1he grading sca#e is as ,o##o.s: Percentage 9etter 8rade
BUS499 Summer II 2007

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions

3-100 0- 2. !7-! . !3-!(. !0-!2. 77-7 . 73-7(. 70-72. (7-( . (3-((. (0-(2. K(0



Course Sequence
Cee/ 1 1o2ic=Cha2ter Cha2ter 1: Strategic *anagement: Creating Com2etiti)e -d)antages Cha2ter 2: -na#+3ing the "&terna# "n)ironment o, the %irm Cha2ter 3: -ssessing the Interna# "n)ironment o, the %irm Cha2ter 4: Eecogni3ing a %irm4s Inte##ectua# -ssets Submit Part I o, the Strategic P#an *a/e a team 2resentation o, Part I o, the Strategic P#an *id-term @ui3 -ssignment Begin re)ie. o, the <e.s Print Industr+

2 3

4 ' (

Cha2ter ': Business-9e)e# Strateg+: Creating and Sustaining Com2etiti)e La#ue Cha2ter (: Cor2orate-9e)e# Strateg+: Creating La#ue through Di)ersi,ication Cha2ters 7: Internationa# Strateg+: Creating La#ue in 8#oba# *ar/ets Cha2ter !: Digita# Business Strateg+: 9e)eraging Internet and "Business Ca2abi#ities Cha2ter 11: Strategic 9eadershi2: Creating - 9earning Argani3ation and an "thica# Argani3ation

Submit Part II o, the Strategic P#an *a/e a team 2resentation o, Parts I and II o, the Strategic P#an 8

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007

%ina# Dui3

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007

Weekly Readings, Assignments, Discussion Questions

:ee- 3 S$ra$egic >anagemen$ rocess :ee- 3 Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation and a22#+ the too#s and 2rocess o, strategic management to create sustainab#e com2etiti)e ad)antage ,or a ,irm. 6Program Autcomes 1-77. Learning O&7ec$i0es' >nderstand the three /e+ 2hases o, strategic management Determine the re#ationshi2 bet.een=among mission5 )ision5 goa#s and strateg+ -rticu#ate and identi,+ .hen to use the a22ro2riate ana#+tica# too#s during the strateg+ ana#+sis 2hase o, strategic management -rticu#ate and identi,+ .hen to use the a22ro2riate ana#+tica# too#s during the strateg+ ,ormu#ation 2hase o, strategic management -rticu#ate and identi,+ .hen to use the a22ro2riate ana#+tica# too#s during the strateg+ im2#ementation o, strategic management -22#+ ethica# reasoning and ethica# 2rinci2#es throughout strategic management 2rocess

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' Eead: Cha2ter 1: Strategic *anagement: Creating Com2etiti)e -d)antages Cha2ter 14: 2ages '2(-'30: -na#+sis-Decision--ction C+c#e -cti)it+: Introduction and ,ormation into teams to teams Introduction to strategic management Introduction to the -na#+sis-Decision--ction C+c#e Discussion Duestion6s7: Determine .ho the sta/eho#ders are in the <e.s Print Industr+ . Chat /ind o, 2ressures do the sta/eho#ders 2#ace on com2anies in industr+ ,or .hich <e.s Print Industr+ is a 2artM

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- 2 E6$erna! En0ironmen$ Ana!"sis :ee- 2 Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation and conduct an ana#+sis o, a ,irm4s e&terna# en)ironment ,or use in its strateg+ ,ormu#ation. 6Program Autcomes 1-77. Learning O&7ec$i0es' >nderstand and a22#+ en)ironmenta# scanning to understand the d+namic ,orces that im2act com2anies in the industr+ -22#+ the %i)e %orces *ode# o, Com2etition to the Industr+ and ho. the conce2t o, the )a#ue-net has modi,ied this ana#+sis -22#+ the conce2t o, strategic grou2 ma22ing to ,urther c#ari,+ com2etition .ithin an industr+ -22#+ ethica# reasoning and ethica# 2rinci2#es in gathering com2etiti)e inte##igence in this 2hase o, the strategic management 2rocess

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' Eead: Cha2ter 2: -na#+3ing the "&terna# "n)ironment o, the %irm -ssignment: Conduct "&terna# "n)ironment -na#+sis: use Porter4s %i)e %orces and La#ue <et -na#+sis to 617 identi,+ the maFor trends in the industr+5 627 ana#+3e their im2act on <e.s Print Industr+5 and 637 identi,+ maFor sources o, in,ormation +ou .i## use to monitor the trends. Dra. conc#usions about the ,a)orabi#it+ o, this industr+5 the d+namics o, com2etition5 and the strategic cha##enges in the industr+. Discussion Duestion6s7: .Identi,+ one e&terna# ,actor that has im2acted <e.s Print Industr+M Ch+ .ou#d this im2act <e.s Print Industr+ and ho. .ou#d the+ be ab#e to manage this ,actorM .Cho are the maFor substitute com2etitors in the retai# industr+M Chat are some o, the a#ternati)es consumer can go toM

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- ? Com*an" Si$ua$ion Ana!"sis :ee- ? Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation to assess the e,,ecti)eness o, ,irm4s current strateg+ and current situation using a )ariet+ o, ana#+tica# too#s. 6Program Autcomes 1-77. Learning O&7ec$i0es' Determine the e,,ecti)eness o, current strateg+ b+ identi,+ing its /e+ e#ements and ho. the ,irm is 2er,orming )is a )is /e+ 2er,ormance indicators and its com2etition Identi,+ signi,icant trends or 2atterns in the ,irm4s ,inancia#s that im2act strateg+ Conduct a SCA1 ana#+sis to summari3e ,indings ,rom com2an+ situation ana#+sis 6interna#7 and e&terna# en)ironment Inter2ret SCA1 ana#+sis Identi,+ ,irm and industr+ strategic issues and determine their im2#ications and im2act -22#+ ethica# reasoning and ethica# 2rinci2#es throughout strategic management 2rocess

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' Eead: Cha2ter 3: -ssessing the Interna# "n)ironment o, the %irm Cha2ter 4: Eecogni3ing a %irm4s Inte##ectua# -ssets 9earning -cti)ities: Conduct a SCA1 -na#+sis o, <e.s Print Industr+ and inter2ret .hat its means. Interna# "n)ironment5 La#ue Chain and Eesource -na#+sis Eatio ana#+sis 6,i)e +ear com2arison7 and Industr+ com2arison Discussion Duestion6s7: .Chat are some o, the s2eci,ic ratios use,u# to sta/eho#dersM Chat are the+ used and do the+ change ,rom sta/eho#der to sta/eho#derM .Chat is the di,,erence bet.een inbound )s outbound #ogistics and is one more ,a)orab#e than the otherM

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- ( S$ra$eg" @ormu!a$ion' Business Uni$ :ee- ( Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation to ,ormu#ate strategic o2tions a)ai#ab#e to a ,irm at the business unit #e)e#. 6Program Autcomes1-77 Learning O&7ec$i0es' Describe the distinction bet.een business unit #e)e# strateg+ and cor2orate #e)e# strateg+ Identi,+ the generic strategies in use in )arious cor2orations Identi,+ the strengths and .ea/nesses o, each generic strateg+ -rticu#ate ho. and .hen a ,irm can combine generic strategies Eecogni3e .hen a turn-around strateg+ is needed Determine ho. cor2orate #e)e# strategies create )a#ue

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' Eead: Cha2ter ':Business-9e)e# Strateg+: Creating and Sustaining Com2etiti)e La#ue -ssignment: .Eesearch and ma/e a recommendation .hat t+2e o, strateg+ does <e.s Print Industr+ ,o##o.o 1+2e o, Business 9e)e# Strateg+ 6i.e. generic5 etc.7 o -d)antages and Disad)antages o Strateg+ %oundation o ;o. .ou#d +ou im2ro)eM Discussion Duestion6s7: .Chat is the di,,erence bet.een business strateg+ and cor2orate strateg+M .-t .hat #e)e# o, management does business strateg+ o2erateM

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- A S$ra$eg" @ormu!a$ion' Business Uni$ Le0e! S$ra$eg" :ee- A Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation to ,ormu#ate strategic o2tions a)ai#ab#e to a ,irm at the business unit #e)e#. 6Program Autcomes1-775 continued#. Learning O&7ec$i0es' Identi,+ ho. ,irm4s create )a#ue through di)ersi,ication 6re#ated or unre#ated7 De)e#o2 a set o, reasonab#e strategic a#ternati)es and recommend the best course o, action ,or the cor2oration to 2ursueG de,end .ith #ogic and ana#+sis -22#+ ethica# reasoning and ethica# 2rinci2#es throughout strategic management 2rocess

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' Eead: Cha2ter (: Cor2orate-9e)e# Strateg+: Creating La#ue through Di)ersi,ication -ssignment: . .Eesearch and ma/e a recommendation .hat t+2e o, cor2orate #e)e# strateg+ does <e.s Print Industr+ ,o##o.o 1+2e o, Cor2orate 9e)e# Strateg+ 6i.e. high or #o. #e)e# o, di)ersi,ication5 etc.7 o -ssessment=Eecommendation regarding strateg+ o Eecent ac@uisitions5 reasons and im2act o Strategic a##iancesM Discussion Duestion6s7: .Chat are some o, the reasons .h+ com2anies ,o##o. a di)ersi,ication strateg+M .Chen does it ma/e sense ,or management to ,o##o. a high intensit+ di)ersi,ication strateg+M .

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- B En$ering In$erna$iona! >ar-e$s an+ Le0eraging $he In$erne$ :ee- B Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation to determine .hen internationa# e&2ansion is a )iab#e di)ersi,ication strateg+ and ho. to enter ne. g#oba# mar/ets. Nno. .hen and ho. to a22#+ e-business strategies to gro. a business. 6Program Autcomes1-77. Learning O&7ec$i0es' Identi,+ the )ariet+ o, strategies that can be used b+ ,irms to enter g#oba# mar/ets -22#+ g#oba# mar/et entr+ a22roach to an indi)idua# ,irm Determine ho. an e-business strateg+ can im2ro)e com2etiti)e 2osition 9e)erage Internet and e-business ca2abi#ities Determine ho. to create )a#ue in g#oba# mar/ets -22#+ ethica# reasoning and ethica# 2rinci2#es throughout strategic management 2rocess

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' -ssignment: Cha2ters 7: Internationa# Strateg+: Creating La#ue in 8#oba# *ar/ets Cha2ter !: Digita# Business Strateg+: 9e)eraging Internet and "-Business Ca2abi#ities -ssignment: .Eesearch <e.s Print Industr+4s internationa# strateg+ and discuss .hat t+2e o, entr+ mode it is ,o##o.ing. .Discuss .hat t+2e o, en)ironmenta# trends a,,ecting <e.s Print Industr+4s internationa# strateg+5 es2ecia##+ #iabi#it+ o, ,oreignness and regiona#i3ation. Discussion Duestion6s7: ."&2#ain the ,our ,actors that #ead to a basis ,or internationa# business-#e)e# strategies. .<ame and describe the ,i)e a#ternati)e modes ,or entering internationa# mar/ets and .hat are some o, the ris/s in)o#)ed.

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- 7 Cor*ora$e Go0ernance; Lea+ershi*; an+ E$hics :ee- 7 Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation to identi,+ the characteristics needed to create an ethica# cu#ture and a #earning organi3ation. 6Program Autcomes1-77. Learning O&7ec$i0es' >nderstand the ro#e #eaders 2#a+ in creating an ethica# cu#ture -22#+ the conce2t o, #earning organi3ation to the ,irm to demonstrate ho. /no.#edge can be a source o, com2etiti)e ad)antage >nderstand the ro#e a #eader4s emotiona# inte##igence 2#a+s in an organi3ation Describe ho. cor2orate res2onsibi#it+ ma+ a,,ect a ,irm4s 2er,ormance -22#+ ethica# reasoning and ethica# 2rinci2#es throughout strategic management 2rocess

Learning Ac$i0i$ies' Eead: Cha2ter 11: Strategic 9eadershi2: Creating a 9earning Argani3ation and an "thica# Argani3ation -ssignment: .Eesearch <e.s Print Industr+4s .ebsite and identi,+ and discuss .hat ethic res2onsibi#ities the com2an+ communicates to em2#o+ees and )endors. .Eesearch an+ 2rior ethica# issues <e.s Print Industr+ ma+ ha)e had and discuss ho. .as it hand#ed. Discussion Duestion6s7: .De,ine cor2orate go)ernance and e&2#ain .h+ it is used to monitor and contro# managers4 strategic decisions. .De,ine agenc+ re#ationshi2 and manageria# o22ortunism and describe their strategic im2#ications.

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


:ee- C ro&!em So!0ing :ee- C Course Ou$come' Students .i## .or/ indi)idua##+ and in teams to gather in,ormation to identi,+ 2rob#ems and de)e#o2 a 2#an ,or im2#ementing so#utions to those 2rob#ems. 6Program Autcomes 1-77. Learning O&7ec$i0es'

De)e#o2 a business strategic 2#an .hich integrates the in,ormation and ana#+sis gathered in .ee/s 1-7 cu#minating in a document that out#ines the ,o##o.ing 6<e.s Print Industr+7


Bac-groun+ an+ his$or" o, $he com*an" >ission S$a$emen$ S$a-eho!+ers E6$erna! Ana!"sis a1 Basic in+us$r" in,orma$ion 2gro/$h; *ro,i$s; segmen$s4 &1 >acro En0ironmen$ 2+emogra*hics economic; $echno!ogica!; *o!i$ica!D!ega!; socio8cu!$ura!; g!o&a!4 c1 or$erEs @i0e @orces +1 O**or$uni$ies an+ $hrea$s V1 In$erna! Ana!"sis a1 In&oun+ !ogis$ics &1 Ou$&oun+ !ogis$ics c1 Resu!$s o, 0a!ue chain ana!"sis +1 @inancia! ra$io ana!"sis 25uic-; curren$; +e&$Dasse$; +e&$De5ui$"; in0en$or" an+ asse$ $urno0er; *ro,i$ ra$io; re$urn on asse$ an+ re$urn on e5ui$"4 e1 Non ,inancia! ana!"sis 2s$reng$hs an+ /ea-nesses4 VI1 Business !e0e! s$ra$eg" a1 Generic &1 A+0an$agesD+isa+0an$ages c1 Im*ro0emen$sDrecommen+a$ions VII1 Cor*ora$e !e0e! s$ra$eg" a1 %i0ersi,ica$ion &1 Le0e! o, +i0ersi,ica$ion se!ec$e+ c1 Assessmen$Drecommen+a$ions VIII1 In$erna$iona! s$ra$eg" a1 Na$iona! +i,,erences &1 En$rance s$ra$eg" c1 Assessmen$Drecommen+a$ions IF1 S$ra$egic a!$erna$i0es $he com*an" shou!+ ,o!!o/

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


Ot er Course and !niversity Policies

%ue +a$es an+ Incom*!e$es' -ssignments are due on the dates indicatedG #ate submissions that ha)e not been a22ro)ed in ad)ance .i## be mar/ed do.n one 2ercentage 2oint 2er da+ #ate. I, +ou ha)e an emergenc+ that 2re)ents +ou ,rom com2#eting an assignment on time5 2#ease contact the instructor. In accordance .ith >ni)ersit+ 2o#ic+5 incom2#etes .i## on#+ be granted in cases o, 2ersona# emergenc+. 0ou must ha)e a 2assing grade in the course at the time the incom2#ete is re@uested. I, +ou recei)e an incom2#ete +ou must ,u#,i## the re@uirements s2eci,ied in the incom2#ete contract 2rior to the beginning o, the ne&t semester. %isa&i!i$" S$a$emen$' It is the 2o#ic+ o, -rgos+ >ni)ersit+=Chicago <orth.est to ma/e reasonab#e accommodations ,or @ua#i,ied students .ith disabi#ities5 in accordance .ith the -mericans .ith Disabi#ities -ct 6-D-7. I, a student .ith disabi#ities needs accommodations to com2#ete the instructor4s course re@uirements5 the student must noti,+ the Director o, Student Ser)ices. Procedure ,or documenting student disabi#it+ and the de)e#o2ment o, reasonab#e accommodation .i## be 2ro)ided to students u2on re@uest. Students .i## be noti,ied b+ the Director o, Student Ser)ices .hen each re@uest ,or accommodation is a22ro)ed or denied in .riting )ia a designated ,orm. It is the student4s res2onsibi#it+ to 2resent the ,orm 6at his or her discretion7 to the instructor in order to recei)e the re@uested accommodation in c#ass. In an e,,ort to 2rotect student 2ri)ac+5 Student Ser)ices .i## not discuss the accommodation needs o, an+ student .ith instructors. S$a$emen$ on %i0ersi$"' -rgos+ 2ro)ides access through its ser)ices and 2rograms to students o, an+ socia#5 geogra2hic5 and cu#tura# bac/ground5 and stri)es to 2re2are them to .or/ .ith and 2ro)ide ser)ices to di)erse 2o2u#ations. -rgos+ demonstrates its commitment to di)ersit+ through the de)e#o2ment and su22ort o, a di)erse educationa# communit+. Aca+emic %ishones$"D !agiarism S$a$emen$' 1he >ni)ersit+ see/s to ,oster a s2irit o, honest+ and integrit+. -n+ .or/ submitted b+ a student must re2resent origina# .or/ 2roduced b+ that student. -n+ source used b+ a student must be documented through norma# scho#ar#+ re,erences and citations5 and the e&tent to .hich an+ sources ha)e been used must be a22arent to the reader. 1he >ni)ersit+ ,urther considers resubmission o, a .or/ 2roduced ,or one course in a subse@uent course or the submission o, .or/ done 2artia##+ or entire#+ b+ another to be academic dishonest+. It is the student4s res2onsibi#it+ to see/ c#ari,ication ,rom the course instructor about ho. much he#2 ma+ be recei)ed in com2#eting an assignment or
.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions BUS499 Summer II 2007


e&am or 2roFect and .hat sources ma+ be used. Students ,ound gui#t+ o, academic dishonest+ or 2#agiarism sha## be subFect to disci2#inar+ action u2 to and inc#uding dismissa# ,rom the >ni)ersit+. I, +ou are unsure .hat constitutes 2#agiarism5 )isit the ,o##o.ing .eb site: htt2:==....turnitin.com=researchOsite=eOhome.htm#. -rgos+ >ni)ersit+ routine#+ submits student 2a2ers to 1urnitin.com ,or Arigina#it+ Ee2orts. Pa2ers submitted to 1urnitin are chec/ed against 2ub#ished .or/s5 content on the Internet5 and e)er+ other 2a2er submitted to 1urnitin. Techno!og" S$a$emen$' -rgos+ >ni)ersit+ encourages the use o, techno#og+ throughout the curricu#um. 1his course uses the ,o##o.ing: on#ine acti)ities5 emai#5 and )ideota2es.

.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


ONLINE RESOURCES Argos" Uni0ersi$" On!ine 8enera# in,ormation about -rgos+ >ni)ersit+ and the degree 2rogram .e o,,er. htt2:==....argos+u.edu -rgos+ >ni)ersit+ Chicago 9ibrar+


.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


Ac-no/!e+gemen$ o, S"!!a&us Con$en$ I ha)e read and understand the course s+##abus

,or OOOOOOOOOOOOOO6course name7OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at -rgos+ >ni)ersit+=Chicago5 .hich is being taught b+ OOOOOOOOOOOO6instructor name7OOOOOOOOOOOOO during OOOO6term=+ear7OOOOOOOOO. I hereb+ agree to the terms stated in this s+##abus.




.. Business Policy & Strategic Solutions


Summer II 2007


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