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,-./ 01 2 '-3 04 0567

Join us on this fun getaway and explore the exciting ports of Nassau, The Bahamas
St Thomas, USVI; San Juan, Puerto Rico & Grand Turk

!"# %&'%()'*, wlll play hosL Lo uenlce & 1lna (1he uream 1eam") as Lhey celebraLe blrLhday
& annlversary, respecLlvely. 1he uream salls ouL of orL Canaveral and wlll offer many dellghLs.
1here wlll be Lhe '8-.9: ;<./ =$>?><@9/ A?>AB, 1he $>A:@8> "C>A9?> (blg screen overlooklng Lhe
pool), and Lhe D.;-8 E $FA. 1here wlll be plenLy for Lhe klds Lo do: DAGF DA?<@HA., D.-I 504
DA?<@HA. JA9>?K;?L:4 M@8>; '?NA8> O 9C> PA:L>9IA.. D;-?9Q LaLe nlghLs, Lhe grown & sexy can
[am Lo Lhe beaLs of u! lrle. need a drlnk? Well, 1he (-G IA? ls across from Lhe ">R-@.A IA? wlLh
lLs own Mexlcan canLlna. uo you wanL casual dlnlng? vlslL Lhe Lldo MarkeLplace for a varleLy of
opLlons. !"# %&'%()'* also has Lhe hlgh Lech ='.NC>G/ PA?B where paLrons are allowed Lo
mlx Lhelr own concocLlons elecLronlcally. So come on, LeL's LoasL lL up! ueslgnaLed drlvers noL
+#,-. /0 12345#6 ' 8>F;:@9 @< 9C> AG;-<9 ;S T655 F>? F>?:;< @: ?>R-@?>8 by Aug 20

/nov 20/!an 20.
Alrfare & alrporL Lransfers avallable on requesL. uo you requlre a !unlor, Ccean, Spa or Crand SulLe?
SLaLerooms for more Lhan 2? 8aLes on requesL
llnal paymenL ls due UV W'"+( "X'U *') Y4 0567
7248#5 9#2 1,/#:02.;
lnslde 4u - upper $947pp ubl Ccc
8alcony 88 - upper $1297pp ubl Ccc
8alcony 8C - Lmpress $1312pp ubl Ccc
"; ?>:>?H> /;-? NAI@< N;<9AN9Z
kaL SL. 1homas rlvoll98[
(310) 499-3909
A1M 1ravel 1707 WebsLer SL., Cakland, Ca 94612
310-623-9407 CS1#2037964-40

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