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1st Meeting TAVIRA

Working with movies moving people and their ideas - 11 to 15 November 2013

We here by present the results of the evaluation of the first meeting held in Tavira, Portugal. The meeting was attended by 64 students (32 European partners and 32 Portuguese) plus 18 teachers. The 6 Portuguese teachers didnt fill in the evaluation form for they were the hosts. Of the 76 forms distributed, we received 68. This is the universe of our sample.

1. Project objectives and strategy First Meeting Evaluation 11-15 November 2013
English language knowledge Improvement Strengthening the feeling of being part of the European Union Contribution to the understanding of fundamental values

Blank No Answer Answer


Cooperation and team work experience with project partners Intercultural dialogue enriching Human relationship and interpersonal contact during shared activities Organization of working sessions and cinema forum Teaching materials Working conditions. Programme of the week.





Graphic 1

Analysing the results of the 10 parameters of evaluation, settled taking into account the project objectives, 76% of the respondents awarded five stars to Human relationship and interpersonal contact during shared activities, 60% to Cooperation and team work experience with project partners, 59% to Strengthening the feeling of being part of the European Union and Organization of working sessions and cinema forum, 57 % to Working conditions, 56% to Teaching materials, 53% to Intercultural dialogue enriching and Contribution to the understanding of fundamental values, and 50% to English language knowledge improvement.
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The Programme of the week was considered to deserve four stars by 53%, having 43% awarded five stars. While Graphic 1 tells us the number of respondents according to each parameter, Graphics 2 to 11 make evidence of the percentage of stars awarded to each parameter:
Human relationship and interpersonal contact during shared activities

Cooperation and team work experience with project partners

2% 4%


34% 60%

Graphic 2

Graphic 3

Strengthening the feeling of being part of the European Union


Organization of working sessions and cinema forum

1% 4% 2%

31% 59% 59%


Blank No Answer Answer

Graphic 4

Graphic 5

Working conditions.

Teaching materials

2% 7% 13% 34% 57% Blank No Answer Answer 56% 29%

Graphic 6

Graphic 7

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Intercultural dialogue enriching

1% 2% 3%

Contribution to the understanding of fundamental values


41% 53% 53% 38%

Blank No Answer Answer Graphic 8 Graphic 9

English language knowledge Improvement

3% 3% 12%

Programme of the week.

4% 43%




Blank No Answer Answer Graphic 10 Graphic 11

On the whole, we may conclude that the meeting was a success and it met all the Project objectives. Taking into account that four stars stands for Very Good and 5 stars for Excellent, when we add both of these results, 8 of the 10 parameters are above 90%, only Teaching materials adds up to 85% and English language knowledge improvement to 82%.

2. Favourite activities
When asked which activity had been their favourite, 22% chose Cinema forum on national feature film, 19% Visiting Lagos and Sagres and Farewell dinner, 18% National feature film Hope is a strange place and 13% Watching the short film Good kids. Only 7% enjoyed the Cinema forum on the short film Good kids and 2% Shooting the short international movie, as Graphic 12 shows us:

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Activity which most pleased the attendees

Shooting the short international movie 2%

Cinema forum on the short film "Good Kids" 7% Watching the short fim "Good Kids" 13%

Cinema forum on national feature film 22%

National feature film Hope is a strange place 18%

Visiting Lagos and Sagres 19%

Farewell dinner 19%

Graphic 12

3. Other comments on the first meeting

The other comments on this first meeting stressed, once again, how pleased everyone was due to the very good experience that it was to attend the first meeting, the fantastic human relationships, the broadening of the mind, the new things learnt, the new people met, the warm hospitality and the highly professional Portuguese teacher team. On the other hand, important suggestions of improvement for further meetings were added:

the short national film should be watched twice before shooting the cinema forum; spontaneous debates should be shot for the cinema forum;

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activities for the students not shooting the international short film should be programmed
and scheduled;

small team work with longer time for each task should be preferred; students with better knowledge of the English language should be thoroughly selected; farewell ceremony should be brief.


Talking with students from other countries was one of the main comments, along with the conclusion that, though belonging to different cultures, there are more things that bring us together than those which may keep us apart. As one of the attendees put it: There arent countries, just a place called world. We may then consider that this first meeting fully fulfilled one of the expected impacts and benefits: The intercultural knowledge and awareness of different cultures.

Tavira, 5 December 2013 The Portuguese Teacher Team

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