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Igado Ingredients: [singlepic id=340 w=240 h=180 float=right]500g. pork thinl! sliced "kasi# or pig$e% 150g. li&er thinl!

sliced 1'4 k. heart and kidne! slice thinl! if a&aila(le 1 t(sp. &inegar )* c$p so! sa$ce )* c$p cr$shed garlic 2 t(sp. cooking oil 2 t(sp. chopped garlic 1 large onion chopped 1 to#ato chopped 1 #edi$# red (ell pepper c$(ed 1 #edi$# green (ell pepper c$(ed )+ c$p green peas 2 8g. ,-..I ,-.I/ 0-1-2 1)+ tsp. peppercorns Igado /ooking Instr$ctions: ,arinate pork heart kidne! and li&er slices in co#(ined &inegar so! sa$ce and garlic for at least 30 #in$tes. 3eat oil and sa$t45 chopped garlic onion and to#atoes $ntil wilted. 0tir in #arinated #eat and (ring to a (oil witho$t stirring. 6ower the heat and contin$e si##ering $ntil pork is tender or a(o$t 20 #in$tes. -dd (ell peppers and green peas. 0eason with ,-..I ,-.I/ 0-1-2 and peppercorns. 0er&e hot.

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