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TWS #3 Short Range Plan

These lessons were taught at the beginning of the semester and follow the common core and state standards from the Long Range plan. These objectives were both interesting and challenging for all of the students in my class. They enjoy hands on learning and this unit was full of that. From the information gathered from my contextual factors, I knew that my students enjoyed music and science. I kept these things in mind when planning my lessons for this unit to make sure my students would be interested and excited about learning. They learned the components of what makes up earths materials through a song, class discussions, outdoor exploring as scientists, whole and small group work with our findings, and independent work activities. My students were engaged in all eight of the lessons in this unit. Unit Objectives Activities (1-3) *Field trip to SCI.1.1-4.1 - playground to [Indicator] collect earth Recognize materials the composition *Earth materials of Earth song (including *Partner rocks, sand, work/grouping soil, and objects together water). (3 lessons) (Common
core indicator) MU.12.VIII.B [Standard] Integrate music into creative writing, storytelling, poetry, dance,


Accommodations Pre- Students will Students will be be given a very assigned short quiz asking partners for the them what the earth activities. is made of
During- Students will explain how /why they grouped their findings from the playground Post- Students will draw and label the types of earth materials in their science notebooks.

theatre, visual arts, and other disciplines. (4) SCI.1.1-4.2 [Indicator] Classify rocks and sand by their physical appearance MA.1.1.MD.4 - [Standard] Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another. (5) SCI.1.1-4.2 [Indicator] Classify rocks and sand by their physical appearance MU.1-

*Groups will classify rocks according to size (small, medium, large) *Bar graph making

Pre- Class discussion on carpet about how to classify rocks. During- Groupwork with the rocks. (Participation) Post- The graph they create will be taken up.

Rocks will be pre-bagged and given to students when they move to groups. The graph sheet has been made specifically for this activity and will also be given to students. Students have also already been assigned to groups to work in.

Pre- quick write *Singing earth on what they materials song *Sandpaper activity think sand is. During- Class participation and the rubbings Post- short quiz on todays lesson

The sand paper will be cut into smaller pieces for students, the sand will be pre-bucketed, and all of the materials will

2.VIII.B [Standard] Integrate music into creative writing, storytelling, poetry, dance, theatre, visual arts, and other disciplines. (6) Singing the verse SCI.1.1-4.3 about dirt in [Indicator] our earth Compare soil materials samples by song. sorting them Going outside to according to dig for dirt properties will teach (including students that color, soil/dirt is part texture, and of earth the capacity to nourish everywhere, growing but you have plants). to look hard to MU.12.VIII.B [Standard] Integrate music into creative writing, storytelling, poetry, dance, theatre, visual arts, and other disciplines. (7) SCI.1.1-4.4 [Indicator] -


be provided for students (besides the crayons, pencils, and science notebook, which they already have).

Pre- Class discussion on difference between sand and dirt Duringobservation sheet (attached) Post- They will write in their science notebooks, How my soil is different from my neighbors soil.

All materials will be provided for students and ready for use when the lesson begins.

find it. It will also teach them that not all soil is the same. Observing the soil will help students use their senses to figure out the properties of soil.

*Class discussion on water- This lets the teacher know

Pre- Quick write on focus questions.

Groups will be pre-assigned and materials

Recognize the observable properties of water (including the fact that it takes the shape of its container, flows downhill, and feels wet) MU.12.VIII.B [Standard] Integrate music into creative writing, storytelling, poetry, dance, theatre, visual arts, and other disciplines.

what students already know and helps figure out what they have learned when the lesson is over. *Students will work in groups with water and various containers to experiment with the properties of water (takes shape of container, flows down hill, wet, smells) *Class discussion on what they discovered

During- Group work, class participation. Post- Notes in science notebooks.

will be waiting at the tables when students enter science lab.

(8) SCI.1.14.5 [Indicator] Illustrate the locations of water on earth by using drawings, maps, or models. (Common Core indicator) MU.12.VIII.B [Standard] -

*Earth materials song *Chocolate chip cookie activity *Paper plate activity

Pre- Class discussions

Cookies, toothpicks, and paper plates During- Drawings will be provided of cookie and to students. labels Extra cookies will be provided Post-Short quiz to be eaten.

Integrate music into creative writing, storytelling, poetry, dance, theatre, visual arts, and other disciplines.

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