New Action Research Literature Review Outline

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New Action Research Literature Review Outline Field of Action: Teacher Community in an Independent Lower School Problem: Teachers

lack the skills and confidence to successfully integrate technology into their daily practice Possible Solution: Build teacher technology skills and confidence through the use of personalized learning opportunities Library Search Terms: just-in-time learning, professional development, personalized learning, technology integration, theory U, change agent, teacher confidence, Research Question: How can I personalize educational technology instruction to support teachers in their creation and attainment of technology integration goals? Plan of Action: The next step is to determine the scope for my project. A realistic approach would be to determine a group of teachers with whom to work. A means for selecting participants will need to be determined, and the group will need to be selected. A base-line for each participants skills and confidence in their use of technology should be created, and a means of doing this will need to be devised. From this information and through face to face interviews, a personalized technology instruction plan will be formulated based on skill deficits and areas of interest to the individual. Before these plans can be created, a determination will need to be made of what skills should be considered essential. A system for communication and a method (or multiple methods) of instruction will also need to be planned. Another critical step is the design of a tool or method for determining the impact each cycles interventions has on the use of technology by these teachers. Cycle Questions: If I provide just-in-time technology learning opportunities to teachers, will that impact their use of technology in their daily practice? If I focus on building individual relationships with teachers in this process, will it impact teacher use of technology by leading to increased requests for my collaboration? If I develop and nurture a learning community amongst the teachers with whom I am working, will it impact teacher use of technology through a sharing of skills and ideas?

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