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Compute curl and angular velocity of vector field

[curlx,curly,curlz,cav] = curl(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) [curlx,curly,curlz,cav] = curl(U,V,W) [curlz,cav]= curl(X,Y,U,V) [curlz,cav]= curl(U,V) [curlx,curly,curlz] = curl(...), [curlx,curly] = curl(...) cav = curl(...)

[curlx,curly,curlz,cav] = curl(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) computes the curl (curlx , curly , curlz ) and angular velocity (cav ) perpendicular to the flow (in radians per time unit) of a 3D vector field U, V, W. The arrays X, Y, Z define the coordinates for U, V, W and must be monotonic and 3D plaid (as if produced by meshgrid ). [curlx,curly,curlz,cav] = curl(U,V,W) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression [X Y Z] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m,1:p) where [m,n,p] = size(U) . [curlz,cav]= curl(X,Y,U,V) computes the curl zcomponent and the angular velocity perpendicular to z (in radians per time unit) of a 2D vector field U, V. The arrays X, Y define the coordinates for U, V and must be monotonic and 2D plaid (as if produced by meshgrid ). [curlz,cav]= curl(U,V) assumes X and Y are determined by the expression [X Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m) where [m,n] = size(U) . [curlx,curly,curlz] = curl(...), [curlx,curly] = curl(...) returns only the curl. cav = curl(...) returns only the curl angular velocity.

This example uses colored slice planes to display the curl angular velocity at specified locations in the vector field. load wind cav = curl(x,y,z,u,v,w); slice(x,y,z,cav,[90 134],[59],[0]); shading interp daspect([1 1 1]); axis tight

colormap hot(16) camlight

This example views the curl angular velocity in one plane of the volume and plots the velocity vectors (quiver ) in the same plane. load wind k = 4; x = x(:,:,k); y = y(:,:,k); u = u(:,:,k); v = v(:,:,k); cav = curl(x,y,u,v); pcolor(x,y,cav); shading interp hold on; quiver(x,y,u,v,'y') hold off colormap copper

See Also
streamribbon , divergence Volume Visualization for related functions Example Displaying Curl with Stream Ribbons for another example
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