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Cisco Systems, Inc.

180 0est (asman Drive /an Jose) C% 9513:-180; Direct- :05 52; :000 <%=- :05 52; :100 ###'cisco'com


Dear Jess Daniel Padilla Esquivel

Congratulations on completing the Cisco CCNA Exploration: LAN Switching and Wireless course as part o! the Cisco "et#or$ing %cadem& program' (his hands-on) la*-oriented course has prepared &ou !or e+citing career opportunities in the technolog& industr&' ,& completing this course &ou have earned a Certi!icate o! Completion !or CC"% E+ploration.%" /#itching and 0ireless and acquired competencies that include the !ollo#ing E+plain *asic s#itching concepts and the operation and con!iguration o! Cisco s#itches Descri*e enhanced s#itching technologies such as 1.%"s) 1.%" (run$ing Protocol 21(P3) 4apid /panning (ree Protocol 24/(P3) Per 1.%" /panning (ree Protocol 2P1/(P3) and 502'1q 6denti!& and descri*e the purpose o! the components in a small #ireless net#or$) such as /ervice /et 6denti!ication 2//6D3) ,asic /ervice /et 2,//3) and E+tended /ervice /et 2E//3 Con!igure) veri!&) and trou*leshoot 1.%"s) trun$ing on Cisco s#itches) inter1.%" routing) 1(P) and 4/(P 6denti!&) prescri*e) and resolve common s#itched net#or$ media issues) con!iguration issues) autonegotiation) and s#itch hard#are !ailures

(echnological literac& is more important toda& than ever *e!ore) and Cisco is proud to provide &ou #ith the $no#ledge and s$ills necessar& to *uild and maintain computers' Please accept m& *est #ishes !or &our continued success' /incerel&)

John (' Cham*ers Chairman and Chie! E+ecutive 7!!icer

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