Per3 Elisevaleryaishashuenshuenstoichiometrylab

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Honors Chemistry

Nov. 29th, 2013

Name: Elise, Valery, Aisha, Shuen Shuen

Stoichiometry and Measurements Lab

Unit 4:Stoichiometry

As a doctor in the hospital, your patient needs 1.35 g of barium sulfate for the production of his "life saving" medicine. You know that every time you conduct this reaction, you get a 79.5% yield. The chemicals that you have to work with are sodium sulfate and barium nitrate . (they are very expensive, so use the minimum amount needed) Describe fully what you are going to do. Materials: Empty Beakers Filter paper Funnel Sodium nitrate Barium nitrate Water Stirring Rod Scale Calculations: Before beginning, include all calculations necessary to begin your procedure. TY: 1.70g BaSO4 Limiting Reactant: BaSO4 1.902g Ba(NO3)2 1.035g NaSO4

To make the actual yield of 1.35g BaSO4, you need 1.902 Ba(NO3)2 and 1.035g Na2SO4.

Experiment Procedure: 1. Measure the mass the beaker, then add sodium sulfate into the beaker. Subtract the original mass of the beaker in order to find the mass of the sodium sulfate. 2. Repeat step 1 but replace sodium sulfate with barium nitrate. 3. Mix the two samples of sodium sulfate and barium nitrate together in a beaker. Then add water to the mixture, it is unnecessary to mass the water. It is unnecessary because the barium sulfate wont dissolve in the water and that is what you want to calculate so the only purpose of the water is to get out the sodium nitrate from the mixture. 4. Measure the mass of a filter paper, then pour the mixture through the filter paper into an empty beaker. 5. Let the mixture sit overnight. 6. Once all the water has passed through the filter paper, mass the amount of precipitate that still remains in the filter paper. 7. Subtract the mass of the precipitate in the filter paper from the empty filter paper to get the mass of the remaining precipitate.

Table 1:Masses of materials and substances used in the experiment Object: Beaker Sodium Sulfate: Beaker for Barium Nitrate Barium Nitrate Filter paper Mass of BaSO4 on filter paper Mass of remaining BaSO4 Mass: 47.46g 48.17g-47.46g=0.71g 46.06g 1.60g 1.22g 2.882g 1.662g

Figure 1: Barium sulfate after it had been filtered

Analysis and Discussion: As you collect your data, include a calculation of the percent yield and percent error, sources of error, will your patient have enough for his medicine, what improvements would you make to your procedure for next time. Balanced equation: Na2SO4(aq) + Ba(NO3)2(s) 2NaNO3(aq) + BaSO4(s) Theoretical yield: 0.71Na2SO4(1 mol Na2SO4/142.05g Na2SO4) (1 mol BaSO4/ 1 mol Na2SO4) (233.37g BaSO4/1 mol BaSO4)= 1.166 BaSO4 Percent yield: 1.662g BaSO4 /1.166g BaSO4=1.425100%=142.5% yield Discussion 1: What was the theory behind your lab? What techniques were used? Why? What chemical concepts helped you to produce the products? Did you get close to 100% yield? Will your patient survive? Is your yield too high or low? What affected your yield for each? (be specific in your error analysis to coincide with your results (high or low)). The techniques that were used were stoichiometry and balanced equations. These were used because that is how to calculate the theoretical yield which is what was needed in order to find out how much of each reactant was needed to make barium sulfate. Our percent yield was over 100% so that means that there was an error because that is too high. Some possible sources of error are that not enough water was added to the mixture in order to filter all of the sodium nitrate out. This would have caused the mass of the final precipitate to be greater. Another possible error is that not all the water could have been filtered out of the mixture which would have made our mass of barium sulfate too great. Based on the data, the patient will have enough barium sulfate for the medicine and there will be 0.312g of barium sulfate left over. Discussion 2: What would you differently next time. Propose three possible improvements to this lab. What did you learn from the lab? What other real life application can you apply this to?

Some possible improvements to make the procedure better for next time would be to make sure that all of the sodium nitrate had been filtered out by adding more water to the mixture as well as to make sure that all apparatuses were cleaned before experiment because in the end, precipitate formed in the water and sodium nitrate solution when it shouldnt have. A final improvement that could have been made was to wait a longer time before massing the precipitate because that way, we could have been sure that all of the water had been filtered out. What we learned from the lab is how stoichiometry (theoretical and actual yields) can be applied to real life. Another real life application that you could apply this to would be cooking because some of the ingredients might evaporate with heat so you would need to find out how much to add to the initial recipe.

Honors Chemistry Lab Stoichiometry and Measurement LAB BLOG RUBRIC Group Members ____________________________________________________________________________ Title/purpose _____/ 1 Materials _____/ 1 Conclusion statement _____/ 1 Concluding statement at the end of the report summarizes your lab findings and refers back to purpose. Lab clean _____/ 2
Excellent 5 Very Good 4.5 Good 4 Average 3.5 Below Average 3-0

Procedure: (past tense, paragraph format, no use of I or we) - with rationale related to the Questions to be addressed from pre-lab Show all calculations in your logic of the masses of reactants used Is the amount of water important? Why not? Why did you mass the filter paper and/or the beaker? Data tables with titles and labels eg) Table 1: Masses of ONLY relevant data provided in the data table (for example, do you need the mass of the beaker that you mixed the reactants in? Did you use that mass in your calculations? If not, dont include it!)

Reaction described (reactants and products) Analysis of data Show calculations of actual yield Calculations to determine percent yield and percent error for each product. (with attention to sig figs from data) Discussion 1: What was the theory behind your lab? What techniques were used? Why? What chemical concepts helped you to produce the products? Did you get close to 100% yield? Will your patient survive? Is your yield too high or low? What affected your yield for each? (be specific in your error analysis to coincide with your results (high or low)). Discussion 2: What would you differently next time. Propose three feasible improvements to this lab. What did you learn from the lab? What other real life application can you apply this to?

/35 points

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