School Profile

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Manhattan College

School Profile Analysis

Student Name: _____Brittany Egan____________________

Name of School: _____P.S. 81 _____Robert J. Chri ten___________ !ocation "i trict#County_____________"i trict 1$__________________ School %ddre : ______________________________________ ____________________________________________ &ele'hone (: Student E)*ail: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

School Re'ort Card are a+ailable at ,you -ill al o be able to find them on *oodle.: htt':##---.ny tart.go+ ) follo- the te' belo-: /n the right ide of the -eb 'age clic0 on Public 1eb Clic0 on 2$11)12 Ne- 3or0 State Re'ort Card Clic0 on Bron4 Clic0 on the "i trict 5ind your chool ,it may be by name o find out the name from your coo'erating teacher. clic0 on chool /'en %ccountability 6 /+er+ie- Re'ort

Ne- 3or0 City -eb ite i htt':## chool .nyc.go+.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

Achievement Data NYS Elementary English Language Arts Students Results Files will be on oodle 3ear !e+el Standard Percent ( of Student !e+el Standard Percent ( of Student 1 BeloStandard 9 9 1 BeloStandard : ; 2 *eet Ba ic Standard ,%''roaching. 2: 7$ 2 *eet Ba ic Standard ,%''roaching. 2< 29 7 *eet Proficiency Standard ;8 :$ 7 *eet Proficiency Standard ;$ 9$ 8 E4ceed Proficiency Standard 8 8 8 E4ceed Proficiency Standard 8 8

2$11 1$< 3ear

2$12 89

%naly i of E!% "ata = Plea e indicate the > of tudent 'erforming belo- grade le+el ,i.e. le+el 1 6 2.. Plea e de cribe -hat !e+el 1 6 2 re're ent ,i.e. 1 belo- tandard ? 2 a''roaching tandard .. Com'are the la t 2 year to ee if there i im'ro+ement: &hi i for the fourth grade Engli h !anguage %rt te t re ult. @n 2$11? 1$< tudent too0 the te t and 79 of tho e 1$< tudent recei+ed either a one or a t-o. Scoring a 1 i coring belo- grade le+el? meaning the tudent i not -here they need to be academically. &hey do not 0no- all the information and 0ill learned -ithin the fourth grade -ithin E!%. Scoring a 2 mean the tudent meet the ba ic tandard of the fourth gradeA they arenBt a lo- a a one they ha+e met ome tandard but not enough. @n 2$12? 89 tudent too0 the E!% te t. /f the e 89 tudent ? 71 tudent ha+e recei+ed either a 1 or a 2. ; tudent cored 1 and 29 tudent core a 2. @n 2$11? 1$< tudent too0 the 8th grade E!% te tA in 2$12 only 89 tudent too0 the 8th grade E!% te t. @t i clear the number of tudent earning a grade of a 1 or 2 ha+e tayed relatable the ame in com'ari on -ith the tudent 'artici'ation decrea e.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

Achievement Data NYS Elementary ath Students Results Files will be on oodle 3ear 2 7 8 *eet Ba ic *eet E4ceed Standard Proficiency Proficiency ,%''roaching Standard Standard . 2$11 Percent 9 7$ ;1 8 112 ( of Student ; 78 ;8 8 3ear !e+el 1 2 7 8 Standard Belo*eet Ba ic *eet E4ceed Standard Standard Proficiency Proficiency ,%''roaching Standard Standard . 2$12 Percent ; 7$ ;1 8 8< 9 2; 98 8 %naly i of E!% "ata = Plea e indicate the > of tudent 'erforming belo- grade le+el ,i.e. le+el 1 6 2.. Plea e de cribe -hat !e+el 1 6 2 re're ent ,i.e. 1 belo- tandard ? 2 a''roaching tandard .. Com'are the la t 2 year to ee if there i im'ro+ement: &hi i for the fourth grade *ath te t re ult. @n 2$11? 112 tudent too0 the te t and 8$ of tho e 112 tudent recei+ed either a one or a t-o. Scoring a 1 i coring belo- grade le+el? meaning the tudent i not -here they need to be academically. &hey do not 0no- all the information and 0ill learned -ithin the fourth grade -ithin E!%. Scoring a 2 mean the tudent meet the ba ic tandard of the fourth gradeA they arenBt a lo- a a one they ha+e met ome tandard but not enough. @n 2$12? 8< tudent too0 the *ath te t. /f the e 8< tudent ? 71 tudent ha+e recei+ed either a 1 or a 2. 9 tudent cored 1 and 2; tudent core a 2. @n 2$11? 112 tudent too0 the 8th grade *ath te tA in 2$12 only 8< tudent too0 the 8th grade *ath te t. @t i clear the number of tudent earning a grade of a 1 or 2 ha+e tayed relatable the ame in com'ari on -ith the tudent 'artici'ation decrea e. !e+el Standard 1 BeloStandard

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

5ind the information on *oodle /+er+ie- of School Performance in E!% Re ult Student Crou'
%ll Student Student -# "i abilitie !imited Engli h Proficient

&otal ( &e ted 1$< 27

2$11 > !e+el 1)2 72 9:

> !e+el 7)8 ;8 87

&otal ( &e ted 89 18

2$12 > !e+el 1)2 7; :8

> !e+el 7)8 ;8 22

%naly i of E!% "ata ) Com'are Ceneral Ed to Student -ith "i abilitie le+el on 162 and al o indicate if there i a difference bet-een the grou' for 'a t t-o year ) @ndicate if there -a im'ro+ement : Com'aring all tudent to tudent -ith di abilitie ? it i clear in both 2$11 and 2$12? there i a higher 'ercentage of tudent -ith di abilitie that recei+ed core of either a 1 or 2. 1ithin the e t-o year in both grou' there -a a decrea e in tudent . But -ithin the tudent -ith di abilitie there -a an increa e in the 'ercentage of tudent recei+ing core that are either a 1 or 2 and fe-er tudent B coring 7B or 8B .

%naly i of E!% "ata ) Com'are the 'erformance of the E!! tudent to the 'erformance of all tudent . Plea e indicate in your re'ort -hat !e+el 1 6 2 indicate . Com'are the la t 2 year to ee if there i im'ro+ement:

No @nformation Ci+en.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

5ind the information on *oodle Re ult Student Crou'

%ll Student Student -# "i abilitie !imited Engli h Proficient

&otal ( &e ted 8< 18

/+er+ie- of School Performance in *ath 2$11)2$12 > !e+el > !e+el &otal ( 1)2 7)8 &e ted 7; ;9 112 :8 22 27

2$1$)2$11 > !e+el 1)2 79 88

> !e+el 7)8 ;9 92

%naly i of *ath "ata ) Com'are Ceneral Ed to Student -ith "i abilitie le+el 162 and al o indicate if there i a difference bet-een the grou' for 'a t t-o year ) @ndicate if there -a im'ro+ement :

Com'aring all tudent to tudent -ith di abilitie ? it i clear in both 2$11 and 2$12? there i a higher 'ercentage of tudent -ith di abilitie -ho recei+ed core of either a 1 or 2. 1ithin the e t-o year in both grou' there -a a decrea e in tudent . But -ithin the tudent -ith di abilitie there -a an increa e in the 'ercentage of tudent recei+ing core that are either a 1 or 2 and fe-er tudent B coring 7B or 8B .

%naly i of *ath "ata ) Com'are the 'erformance of the E!! tudent to the 'erformance of all tudent . Plea e indicate in your re'ort -hat !e+el 1 6 2 indicate . Com'are the la t 2 year to ee if there i im'ro+ement:

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

5ind the information on the School Re'ort Card htt':##ny tart.go+ 3ear 2$1$)2$11 2$11)2$12 Eligible for 5ree !unch > 82 > 88 ( 28: ( 2:8 "emogra'hic Reduced Student Price !unch Stability > 12 > 12 ( 81 ( :9 > > ( ( !imited Engli h Proficient > ( 12 87 > ( 11 :7 Note

%naly i of "ata = /+er the 'a t t-o year ? it i clear there are le tudent enrolled at the chool. 1ith fe-er enrollment ? the 'ercentage for eligible for free lunch ha gone u' t-o 'ercent? ho-ing the change in 'o'ulation? and the familie income.

Racial#Ethnic /rigin
3ear %merican @ndian# %la 0a Nati+e Blac0 or %frican %merican Di 'anic or !atino
% ian or Nati+e Da-aiian# /ther Pacific @ lander


2$1$)2$11 2$12

> 1 > 1

( 9 ( 9

> 1$ > 11

( ;8 ( ;8

> 89 > 8;

( 7$8 ( 2<1

> 17 > 17

( 8< ( 81

> 72 > 7$

( 221 ( 188

%naly i of "ata = /+er the 'a t t-o year ? the racial#ethnic origin of the chool ha remained relati+ely the ame.

3ear 2$$<)1$ 2$1$)11

> <8 > <8

%ttendance 6 Su 'en ion %ttendance > Su 'en ion ( > ( 2 11 ( > ( 2 1;


%naly i of "ata = /+er the 'a t t-o year ? the attendance at tayed at teady <8>. &he 'ercent of u 'en ion ha tayed the ame? but there ha+e been t-o more u 'en ion .

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

%nnual 3early &arget School Standing 3ou -ill find thi information on the School Re'ort Card &hi information i on *oodle Cood Standing E!% *ath F:3e GNo F:3e GNo E!% *ath S@N@
,School in Need of @m'ro+ement.

Correcti+e %ction
,School Ender Rede ign.

G3e GNo G3e GNo

E!% *ath

G3e GNo G3e GNo

%lthough the -e can not com'are the tudent achie+ement from the N3S E!% and *ath a e ment thi year due to the im'lement of the Common Core !earning Standard -e can com'are the chool 'erformance to all of Ne- 3or0 City to ee if they are abo+e or belo- the a+erage 'erformance: E!% Ne- 3or0 City 2;.8> 3our School Ne- 3or0 City 2<.;> *ath 3our School

%naly i of E!% and *ath "ata for 2$17 = Plea e com'lete the abo+e table and com'are the > of tudent 'erforming at grade le+el at your chool to N3C ,i.e. le+el 7 6 8.. Plea e de cribe ho- your chool com'are to N3C.

Manhattan College Dr. E. Kosky/Mr. D. Russo/Mrs. E. Gerace

EDUG 858/862/863 Fall 2 !3

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