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Issue #

Welcome to 2ND GRADE!!!!

College Bound

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2ND GRADE NEWSLETTER Welcome parents! This year will be a very intense year, as We the 2nd grade we challenge our teaching staff, would like to ask you, is there scholars to comprehend and adapt anything we could do the Common Core to enhance your standards into our scholars learning curriculum. experience? We are excited in continuing this journey and partnership with you this year. In order to assist our scholars continue down the collegiate road. We want you to know that the success we will see this year, both academic and social, is not going to be possible without TEAMWORK. We are going to have a great time as we grow as a 2nd grade family!


SUNY Old Westbury, Darmouth and Harvard University

Christopher Sterling 11/8/2005 Jourdan Wynter 11/10/2006 Anaise Barosy 11/14/2006 Ajanae Murphy 11/17/2006 Sean Coppin 11/20/2006 Chukwuebuka Agbasi 11/23/2006

Teacher Emails: Mr. Bien-Aime: Ms. Phillips Ms.Hardy Ms. Morisset


Dates to remember:

REMINDERS School starts at 7:25am. We ask that we have scholars at school on time. Read with your child at least 30 minutes EVERY NIGHT.. Remember to read to your scholar daily Use daily activities to enhance your scholars learning. Please continue to have scholars do their own HW

November 1 ECA Awards November 5th Election Day (No school) Go and Rock the Vote November 22th Hampton Moral Focus November 25th- S.O.W Moral Focus November 25th- Half Day Parent Teacher Conference November 26 Dartmouth Moral Focus November 27th -Harvard University


November 28-29th Thanksgiving Break We are visiting the virtue of Graititude .

We ask that you join us during our Moral Focus Assembly at 8:00am in the Multi-purpose room. Please talk about the virtue and show it because they emulate their immediate role models.

Please ask your scholars teacher about Classdojo, if you have not logged on to see your scholars daily progress.


As we close the unit on Narrative writing, we are continuing to work on the writing process with is imperative for any writer. Prewriting, Drafting, revising, editing and publishing is an important process for our future graduate of college. We are diving in to informational text for the next unit.

Interdisciplinary CurriculumSocial Updates Science


Math is being brought in with a focus on Common Core and geared around rigorous and critical thinking strategies infused with centers. As we finish geometry and move into the next unit, we are excited to explore centers and introduce an intervention math program hosted by Ms. Hardy.


As we close the unit on the various types of communities (urban, suburban, and rural) we are excite to extend the progress into the history and development of our community in St. Albans. We will travel back in time to explore the change.

Science is focusing on the matter and interaction between objects. It is fascinating study about how material and matter has changed over time and explore science with a different scope and sight of inquiry learning.

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