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Defined as softening of the spinal

Occurs as a result of hemorrhage
or inadequate blood supply to the
spinal cord, making it weak and
susceptible to damage.

Accidents or injury

Advanced age
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - can
detect where bone density and matter
has been lost in people with spinal cord
Myelography - uses contrast medium to
detect pathology of the spinal cord,
including the location of spinal cord
injury, cysts, and tumors. This
examination is used to find the cause of
pain not found in an MRI test.
Magnetic resonance imaging shows spinal
No known cure for nerve damage due to
Surgery option is implicated to stop
further damage from compression of
occurring, though damage already
attained may not be cured as of yet.
Other medical options to consider may
include the use of steroids to reduce the
swelling of the spinal cord, reduce the
amount of pain, or decrease the tightness
of the muscles

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