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Chapter 8

Good-News and Neutral Messages

Effective Business Communication
Herta A Murphy Herbert W Hildebrandt Jane P Thomas ed. (SIE) Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi


Chapter Objectives
To understand how to communicate good-news and neutral messages To understand the organizational plan for such messages

Organizational plan

Organization plan for directapproach, good-news message is as follows:

Beginning / First Paragraph (include good-news or main idea) Middle Paragraph (include explanation, fact, evidences, etc.) Closing / Last Paragraph (positive, friendly ending, with a clear statement of action desired)

Favorable replies
Most persons like to read goodnews first in a communication. Favorable replies allows senders to begin their message in a positive manner.

Favorable replies

Some of the situation involving favorable replies are:

Answering Inquiries Granting Requests for Adjustment Approving Credit Acknowledging Orders Granting Favors and Other Requests Job acceptance Letters Goodwill Messages

Neutral messages

Some of the neutral messages include following:

Announcements Transmittals

Neutral messages


Announcement of good or neutral information should follow the good-news plan. The main idea should come first, followed by an adequate explanation and an ending that is pleasant and positive. It includes:
Announcing Sales and Events Announcing Procedures, Policies, and Responsibilities Announcing honors and activities of people

Neutral messages


As the name implies, the main purpose of a transmittal is to transmit something, which is usually mentioned in the first paragraph. It is also called Covering letters. For routine business to customers, employees, or other persons, a cordial, short note is sufficient to transmit one or more items such as a check for payment, warranty deed, etc.

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