Cultural Clashes Essay 1

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Etaryan 1 Gregor Etaryan John Kubler English 114A 24 September 2013 Cultural Clashes Over the years there

have been many disputes and wars due to cultural clashes. Since there are so many cultures out there, people do not see eye to eye with the same views and ideas so they believe the best way to settle it is by trying to destroy one another. One question that has mingled over the minds of many is what if there were no cultural differences? Many believe that if the world was one race than all these wars and disputes will end, but to what cause? There are both pros and cons about cultural diversity. Diversity suggests differences, but its the diversity that unifies us all. In the essay Faith and Diplomacy by Professor Madeleine Albright of Georgetown University, she acclaims we know what a globe plagued by religious strife is like, we do not know what it would be like to live in a world where religious faith is absent (35). Since the beginning of time there has always been differences whether it was from culture or skin color, for example the different tribes. So what Albright is assessing is that there has always been cultural diversity and the world will never understand a society without any diversity amongst one another. Wheter a world without cultural differences is a good thing or bad thing, the world will never know, because there will always be diversity in a society and in the world. Albrights stance on cultural diversity is that Religion at its best can reinforce the core values necessary for people from different cultures to live in some degree of harmony; we should make the most of that possibility (42). In other words her view is that cultural diversity is a positive thing to have within a community/society and people should learn to embrace that and grow from one another.

Etaryan 2 Ms. Albright may believe that cultural differences are a positive thing, but others believe that having differences within a society is a con. Bruce Hoffman writes in his article Old Madness, New Methods, religious imperative for terrorism is the most important defining characteristic of terrorist activity today (1). In other words, Hoffman believes that the reason behind any terrorist attack is due to the fact of religious beliefs. Cultures attack other cultures, because they do it for their ideological beliefs and views and only want their culture to up rise. Since terrorism is such a high factor, people believe that if there was only one dominating culture than there would be no such attacks. In Hoffmans article he quotes Yigal Amir by saying, "I acted alone and on orders from God," (1). In other words, Yigal Amir who was an extremist who assassinated the prime minister is saying he killed him, because his God told him too. He believes his God is the only superior one and the only one people should believe in. If there wasnt any cultural differences than wouldnt the world be better off without all these wars? This is why most people believe cultural differences should be gone, in order for true harmony to exist with one another. Although people may choose sides on whether Religious differences are for the best or worse, I believe there is no right answer, because either way there is a loss. I would have to say that even though I do not choose a side I am leaning more towards the side of not having religious differences in our world. They cause a lot of disputes and outrage towards others The positive side to not having cultural differences is the fact that people will get along more and there will be no need for any wars to occur. In the novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, a young girls uncle named Anoosh is taken to prison and then later executed. The newspaper headlines Russian Spy Executed (70). The only reason this occurred was due to the fact of his racial and ethnic background. During that time period a revolution was occurring and

Etaryan 3 without any racial differences than there would be no need for any revolution to take place. This is why cultural differences are seen as a con. A person should not be killed for their ethnic background, because they had no say in it in the first place. It brings people to extreme measure which should not be necessary. In Persepolis the uncle Anoosh had to get a false passport and disguse [himself] (60). People should not go such lengths just to be able to get somewhere and he ended up in jail for nine years, because he was caught. This is why culture differentiation is a negative, because it brings such a burden and sorrow towards someone. No one should be treated differently due to their racial background. The punishment that comes and is caused by all the disputes is just not worth it. The pain and suffering people go through is just unbearable and inhumane. In Persepolis by Majane Satrapi, she shows images of people getting burned with an iron (51). This is the extent that religious cultures went to in order to force their own culture and make sure theirs was the dominant one. Not one person in the world should have to deal with such crucial punishment that scars them for life or even kills them. That is why cultural differences should not exist so people can live in a world of no hatred towards one another due to the fact of their religious and ethnic background. From personal experiences I can see that different religious in a society cause more trouble with one another. My neighbors and I do not get along and no one does with each other, because all of us have different backgrounds and we do not see eye to eye in our views. It would be better to eliminate that factor of different ethnicities in order for us to better get along. In a research paper written by Michelle Chang she states, socializing across racial lines and discussing issues of race are positive experiences (9). Changs point is that being in a socialized place with different ethnicities is an experience that can be uplifting. In some ways she may be right, but people do not take the time to understand others, because all they want is for

Etaryan 4 their views and ideological beliefs to be relevant. Most people do not take the time to understand others, because they are so focused on themselves. Like I said none of my neighbors get along with each other, because we never took the time to understand each other, because all we care about is us. People do what they do for themselves and when people hurt others due to religious differences it is because they want their beliefs to be number one, because they believe it is for the greater good. Over all in a sense religious differences can be a knowledgeable and great thing, but that is only if people take advantage of it. In most cases people do not, because their religion and views are higher than others as they believe. Culture clashes cause many quarrels and terrors within one human towards another which should not be acceptable. If the world we lived in was a one world religion than all these terrorist attacks and clashes with one another would not exist and people can live in a world of harmony where people can see eye to eye.

Etaryan 5 Work Cited References: 1. Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood. New York: Pantheon, 2003. Print.

Progression 1: Culture/Religion 2. Albright, Madeleine. Faith and Diplomacy. Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. 2nd ed. Ed. Barclay Barrios. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. 34-44. Print. 3. Hoffman, Bruce. Old Madness, New Methods: Revival of Religious Terrorism Begs for Broader US Policy. Rand Review. Rand Corporation, Winter 1998-99. Web. (date accessed). Affirmative Action 4. Chang, Mitchell J. The Positive Educational Effects of Racial Diversity on Campus. Diversity Challenged: Evidence on the Impact of Affirmative Action. Ed. Gary Orfield. Cambridge: Harvard Education Publishing Group, 2001. 175-186. Sage. Web. (date accessed).

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