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THE ArTIsT’S GUIDE TO mA ANIA ANATOMY Gottfried Bammes The Artist’s Guide to ANIMAL ANATOMY Gottfried Bammes Dover Publications, Inc. Mineola, New York Planet Friendly Publishing Made in the United States Printed on Recycled Paper GREEN Text 103% Cover: 1056 GREEN Learners: wewcreencton ow ‘At Dover Publications we're committed to producing books in an earth- friendly manner end to helping our customers make greener choices. ‘Manufacturing books in the United States ensures compliance with strict environmental laws and eliminates the need for international freight shipping, « major contributor to globol cir pollution. ‘And printing on recycled poper helps minimize our consumption of frees, water ond fossil fuels. The Arts’s Guide fo Animal Anatomy was printed on paper made with 10% post consumer waste, and the cover wos printed on poper made with 10% post-consumer waste. According to Environmental Defense's Paper Calculator, by using this innovative paper instead of conventional papers, we achieved the following environmental benefits: Trees Saved: 6» Air Emissions Eliminated: 563 pounds Water Saved: 2,046 gallons « Solid Waste Eliminated: 303 pounds For more information on our environmental practices, please vs us online at Translated from the German by Judith Hayward in association with First Edition Translations Ltd., Cambridge, England. Copyright German-language edition copyright © 1989 by Ravensburger Buchverlag Otto Maier GmbH English-language edition copyright © 1994 by Transedition Books, a division of At All ight reserved, ‘This Dover edit tion of the English romeda Oxford Limited Bibliographical Note first published in 2008, is an unabridged republica- ranslation originally published by Chartwell Books, Inc, Edison, New Jersey, and Transedition Books, Oxford, England, in 1994. The original German edition was Die Gestalt des Tieres, published by Ravensburger Buchverlag Otto Maier GmbH, Wiener Neudorf, Austra, in 1989 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bammes, Gottfried. [Gestalt des Tiers. English] The artis’ ie to animal anatomy / Gottied Bammes [translated from the German by Judith Hayward} peor, ISBN-13:978-0-486-43640-1 ISBN-10:0-486-43640-3 |. Morphology (Animals) 2, Anatomy, Comparative. 3. Animal mechan- ies. 1. Tile Q1.799.B3513 2004 TRG —ded2 2004052892 ‘Manufactured in the United States by Courier Corporation 43640302 www doverpublicatons com

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