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Carolina Hollingsworth

SALISBURY- Five hundred residents attended a workshop Thursday at Salisbury

University to voice concerns over an airport Authority proposal that would allow more jets to fly directly over their homes. The new flight path would supposedly affect over 2,000 residents in the El Conquistador and Bayshore subdivisions in Salisbury. They are specifically worried about the noise increase the jets would cause. This proposal would make living conditions that much worse, said D.M. Williams, attorney for the El Conquistador subdivision. Well fight this each step of the way. Airport Authority member Noah Lagos said the jets wont be as loud as residents think, based on noise abatement studies. They also expect regulations soon that will reduce aircraft noise and are even considering purchasing homes from area residents. The airport is growing and there has to be some consequence for the community, Lagos said. Local resident Cynthia Thompson feels its easy for people to pass something that doesnt impact them personally. I dont believe any of you people live in our neighborhood, said Thompson. Bayshore resident Eric Orne said he is worried about his property value decreasing. Look at this petition, Orne said. It ought to convince you how many people are against it.

Carolina Hollingsworth A public hearing will be held in two weeks on the issue, when authorities are expected to make a decision on the proposal. Should the proposal pass, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would have six months to approve or reject it.

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