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Work Ethics & Success Digital Imaging Lesson Plan

Instructor Name: Julie Hagan Class Location: RESA 5 LESSON BASICS Meaningful Topic: Work Ethics and Success Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill OR Dont be upset by the results you didnt get with the work you didnt do. -Unknown Standard(s): Depth of Knowledge: 1. Recall and Reproduction ELA.10.SL.C14.2 Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., 2. Skills and Concepts textual, graphical, audio visual & interactive elements) in 3. Short-term Strategic presentations to enhance understanding of findings, Thinking reasoning and evidence and to add interest (CCSS SL.94. Extended Thinking 10.5) Essential Question: How do work ethics impact success? Objective(s): The students will create a multimedia project to explain the concept of work ethics and how they relate to success to other students. Required Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources: quote, camera, SD card, batteries, computer with Movie Maker software, projector, Internet Prior Knowledge/ Required Vocabulary: Instructional Methods: Large Group Connections: Success Knowledge of barriers Failure Small Group Knowledge of strategies for Multimedia Cooperative Learning success Rubric Project-based How to use Movie Maker Independent Study Basic computer skills Computer-assisted SPOKES modules One-on-One Tutorial
Individualized Guest Speaker Field Trip Other: Click here to enter

Date Submitted: 06/28/2013

Student Types/Group:
ABE ESL HS Equiv Prep Career Aware College Prep SPOKES Computer Lit Other: Click here to enter text.

Length of Lesson: 2.5 hours

ACTIVITY PLAN 1. Warm-up/Review/Connections: (5 minutes) Review previous lessons on work ethics and discussions on workplace behaviors. 2. Introduction to Content/Explanation: (5 minutes) Introduce essential question and explain objective. Review vocabulary. Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Failure: Lack of success; an unsuccessful person, enterprise or thing. Multimedia: Using more than one medium of expression or communication Rubric: A guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects or tests 3. Presentation/Model the Learning Process: (10 minutes) Show example of multimedia project. An example can be found at . 4. Scaffolded/Guided Concrete Practice: (10 minutes) Together, help students draw out sample rough draft. 5. Communicative Concrete Practice and Grouping Strategies: (15 minutes) Go over ideas together and provide feedback/suggestions. 6. Independent Concrete Practice/Application: (90 minutes) Students will take pictures, find legal music and put project together. 7. Assessment: (10 minutes) Students will assess their own project with a rubric and present project to class. The rubric is available at . 8. Wrap-up/Concluding Activity: (5 minutes) Students will complete an exit slip before moving on to the next activity. The exit slip can be found at . 1. What was the best part about the project? 2. 2. What was the worst part about the project? 9. Instructor Reflection: What went well? The students enjoyed the activity. The students really worked well together and made a great finished product. What did not go as planned? I only had two students show up on the day of the observation. I had planned on four students doing the assignment together. What should change? Depending on the level of the students, the time may need to change (more or less). What should be addressed in future lessons? Make sure students have previous knowledge of Movie Maker in order for efficient use of time.

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