Action Cut Filmaking DVD 2 Workbook

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ACTION/CUT FILMMAKING DVD COLLECTION pease] FEATURE FILMW How To OPEN A Movie’ & SET-UP YOUR STORY CHARACTER COMEDY IN DRAMA “The writing process is - well, writing, You sit there. Ass plus seat equals writing. But I do not worship the script as a sacred thing at all. T sometimes just get rid of it and say let's go without it. Like to keep that improvisatory nature on the set. It has to be spontancous, it has to be felt. Ifit's not working, rip it up and change it right then and there.” Oliver Stone ©2002 Action/Cur Directen BY FILM INDUSTRY SEMINARS ALL PUBLISHING RIGHTS RESERVED 11288 VENTURA BLVD. #400 ‘Stubio Cir, CA91604 Pi923)6927140 FAX:G23)876-9809 FILMMAKING@ACTIONCUT.COM WWW.ACTIONCUT.COM ALMESSAGE FROM GUY MAGAR DVD 2&DVD3 FEATURE FILM SCENE STUDIES 1-6 ‘The material on these DVDs is the “créme de la créme” of the Action/Cut Directing Seminar. Scene studies, from the script pages through the production process to the final film, is the primary learning concept on which our seminar study program is based. We are humbly proud that duting our first 3 years of hosting seminars across the USA and internationally, we have confirmed through the acclaimed response from our graduates that this learning technique is the most instructive and the most beneficial of film learning programs, and many have expressed how much more practical filmmaking knowledge they acquired at Action/Cut than during their studies at film schools. ‘The four feature scenes on DVD 2 (#1-4) and the two feature scenes on DVD 3 (#5-6) were chosen to study a wide variety of work to provide you with insight as how to read any scene and figure out how to translate it to the screen, ‘The intent is to have covered enough comprehensive page-to-screen processes to help you learn to write more visually for the screen, and to give you the tools and methodology to direct (viswally interpret) any material. As you begin viewing these studies, J recommend that you do not watch more than ‘one or twoa day as there is no reason to hurry through them, ‘They ere each about two-hours long and packed with a lot of info to learn and absorb. ‘Watch the scene studies with workbooks in hand so you can follow along as the script pages, shot lists, and location diagrams are included in this booklet. ‘The menus will also allow you to review the narrated dailies and final film sections again whenever you wish for each scene. Welcome to the Action/Cut Feature Film Scene Studies 1-6, When you are done, enjoy out bonus section on the second hailf of DVD 3 on. ‘The Business of Directing which includes a special interview -“The Work and Career"- with a top guest speaker director. There are no book notes for this advice section, so when you get there, sit back and enjoy. Good luck and best wishes, Guy Magar

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