2013 Engleza Concursul Evaluare in Educatie Etapa II Clasa A Iva Barem

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EVALUARE N EDUCAIE Limba Englez - Etapa a II-a - 20.04.

2013 2nd year of study (4th grade) Barem de corectare

Part 1. 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b Score: 5 x 2 p. = 10 p. Part 4. 1. No, he isnt. He is dreaming about (anything that makes sense). 2. No, he isnt. He is eating a slice of watermelon. 3. No, Im not. Im washing his car. 4. Yes, he is. 5. No, there arent. There are five children wearing party hats. / Five children are wearing party hats. Score: 5 x 3 p. = 15 p. Part 6. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F Score: 6 x 3 p. = 18 p.

Part 2. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. d Score: 5 x 3 p. = 15 p. Part 5. 1. strawberries 2. pool 3. women/ girls / ladies 4. empty 5. slices Score: 5 x 3 p. = 15 p.

Part 3. 1. e 2. c 3. se acord 3p 4. d 5. a Score: 5 x 3 p. = 15 p.

Part 7. 1. She has a big party on her birthday. 2. We are doing our homework at the moment. 3. My brother does not like reading adventure stories. 4. Look! There are two yellow butterflies on those flowers. 5. Tom helps his grandmother in the garden every spring. 6. Bob is flying his kite now. Score: 6 x 2 p. = 12 p. TOTAL SCORE : 100 points

*Se accept orice alt rspuns corect.


Copyright Fundaia de Evaluare n Educaie, 2008. Cod M.F.P., C.I.F. 23033139

2nd year of study

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