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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Sam McCall
Is about



Main idea Main idea

Problem-Based Learning is a set of teaching models that uses problems as the factors for developing problem-solving skills, content, and selfregulation.
Main idea Main idea





Identify Topic Rather than selecting a concept to teach, select a topic. Topics should be broad and possibly abstract. Specify Learning Objectives One objective will be for students to develop problemsolving abilities and learn selfdirection. The other will be related to students understanding of the selected topic Identify Problems make problems clear, concrete, and personal Access Materials make sure students have everything they need to solve the problems

Review and Present Problem review knowledge necessary for solving the problem, and present the problem. Form groups at some point during this phase Devise a Strategy provide careful guidance so students dont get stuck. Its important for them to progress mostly on their own. Implement the Strategy If students are having trouble devising a strategy, scaffold them to help them get to this phase. In this phase, students actually solve the problem. Discuss and Evaluate Results There will likely be incorrect results. Help students understand why they dont work or dont make sense. When students find a correct solution, make sure they all understand how they got there.

Can assess during the lesson are students coming up with good strategies? Is everyone participating? Assess individuals rather than groups if possible Can use checklists and rubrics to assess a students problem-solving methods Can use rating scales to measure success by degrees Can provide new, similar problem which students will have to solve on their own

Curiosity, challenge, authentic tasks, involvement, autonomy The question How can I use this in the real world? is answered through the lesson Students get to work in groups

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The Problem-Based model is a hands-on approach to helping students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

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