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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Sam McCall
Is about



Direct Instruction
Main idea Main idea

Direct instruction is a model that uses teacher demonstration and explanation combined with student practice and feedback to help learners acquire well-defined knowledge and skills needed for later learning
Main idea Main idea





Identify Topics this model best suited for teaching procedural skills, or operations with a specific set of identifiable operations or procedures, which can be illustrated with a large and varied number of examples, and which is developed through practice. Specify Leaning Objectives at least one will be student understanding of a concept, one will be automaticity (ability to perform a skill essentially without thinking about it), and one will be transfer ( applying knowledge acquired in one context to a new context) Prepare Examples and Problems examples help with initial understanding, while problems reinforce automaticity and transfer

Introduction and Review try to informally assess understanding and prior knowledge to be sure students are ready and equipped Presentation model the skill being taught. Be aware that, although the skill may by now be second nature to you, most students will need some practice before grasping it Guide Practice here students attempt the skill while being guided by their instructor. Instead of explaining, you now coach. Be ready to offer support Independent Practice Students work on the skill individually, first in class where they can be helped if they still need it, second at home in the form of homework

Students must solve problems on their own Use careful judgment to ensure that students actually have understanding of the problems and have not simply memorized the solution Homework, classwork, and tests Can have students attempt problems at the board

One of the problems with this model is limited inherent motivation Sense of challenge Use of personalized and concrete examples Student involvement in learning activities Grades

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Direct Instruction is an efficient whole-class instruction model that helps students understand how to perform complicated tasks with ease.

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