Interview Project Final

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A Child's Milestones Terry Gallivan Liberty University EDUC 500 - B26 January 28, 2012


A Child's Milestones We start out in a world which is full of exploration and adventures. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-3). As God created the earth parents must paint into the life of the child the colors which will be seen for a lifetime. The four children which participated in the interview process have a rainbow of many colors from which to choose. The children have all successfully completed various stages in cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual categories. The purpose of the interview is to make an attempt in determining the stage each child in currently participating. It must be stated in order to accurately determine the level of development several interviews with the same questions are beneficial. CG is a fourteen year old. It was observed during the interview CG is capable of abstract thinking and is capable solving multiple step processes such as the pendulum experiment. CG does consider his family and his future foremost. He is capable of monitoring his own behavior and correcting accordingly. Vygotskys theory dictates learning is established before development. Vygotsky states it is essential that learning comes from other people and the environment. CG has established a strong foundation as described by the first stage selfregulation and independent thinking. The second stage involves practice of anything learned. CG is given praise for a job well done and opportunities to correct any errors of judgment. CG has entered the final stage of development where he is confident to make decisions on his own. This aspect of making decisions without the assistance of others will need practice over the next several years. They apply what theyve learned in the classroom, develop leadership and communication skills, become more caring and responsible citizens and help community needs

INTERVIEW PROJECT in the process. (Van Brummelen, pg 239, pp 2). CG is establishing lasting emotional connections to friends and community. CG is growing spiritually by encompassing the word of God and developing his Christian relationships. He chooses to learn by role models in their counseling and spending time with him. CG is aware people make mistakes and God will forgive all that come to him. He is developing in a positive direction and has all the tools he needs at his disposal with the willingness to accept the guidance. RDM is eleven years old. He is most likely between the Piagets stages concrete operational and formal operational. RDM has established the beginning stages of formal operational. RDM, with assistance, is able to understand hypothetical situations. He is able to complete complex experiments such as the pendulum problem. Concrete operational stage developmental skills have been mastered in content of this interview. Seriation and transitivity are well established. RDM is aware people can have different perceptions than he does. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. (Psalm 31:2324). RDM has a good heart in the Lord and respects the knowledge of his elders (20 years or

older). He believes older people have learned and received their knowledge from God. RDM is dyslexic and thus has difficulty in reading. However; he completes mental math expertly, while pencil to paper is continuing to improve. RDM seeks counsel from adults in projects where he has interest. The spiritual development is continually growing in an interpersonal manner. RDM is reserved in his actions and words. RD is eight years old. It appears there are many similarities in the answers given by RD and RDM. RD is working toward formal operational but is solidly within the concrete operational stage. He has the concepts of Seriation and Transitivity mastered but needs continual support on mathematical skills. RD is motivated by the egocentric aspect but has a big heart for

INTERVIEW PROJECT others. He has not entered into abstract thinking and concepts remain linear in nature. Spiritual beliefs in God remain solid as he has been taught well by his parents. Train up a child in the

way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:5-7). RD did not respond well on the what is the most fun way to learn question. He stated the television. The television is connected to the computer and he plays educational games. As stated earlier, RDs thought process is on a linear development level. It is apparent it would be beneficial to followup with additional interviews. The most difficult child to determine his developmental stage is CS, a six year old. He answered the questions in vivid details and impressed / shocked the interviewer. CS cannot be placed in any one developmental stage since many of his thoughts enter into various parts of Piagets stages. According to Vygotskys first stage, CS is an independent thinker and capable of discernment. CSs verbal skill in communicating with others involves details which are well established. CS is capable of solving problems in unique ways. For example, he wants to invent a bubble to go around a vehicle just prior to an accident to prevent injuries or damage to the vehicle. He has a desire for others to understand what he wants to communicate to them do you get it? Spiritual development is beyond his years and at a developmental level few obtain. He can articulate a perspective of God which anyone can understand but gives correlation when one doesnt understand. When CS answered the question What have you learned from God? this interviewer was flabbergasted. CS answered Ive learned that God is so awesome, the world grew up into a giant circle, like when youre asleep you grow. Hes not a bad guy and if you listen to him you have the power to turn a bad thing into a good thing and it wont make any problems. One last thing, the whole entire bad layer explodes (bad people, bad guys, and the devil). The bad sucks into God and becomes good. He can make the devil into a good devil so

INTERVIEW PROJECT he wont be bad. The bad guys spirit turns into a good guys spirit. How can you place a God given gift this child has into a stage? This interviewer can not. In summary, this was an enlightening experience. I learned my grandsons have different levels of development. I need to enjoy the growth as the journey continues on this path of being a grandparent. The interview gave insight to the way each of my grandsons perceive questions and answer them. I plan on asking these same five questions at the end of the school year. I must say, in closing, though teachers need to know where a students capabilities lay; but must also be encouraging, motivating, and above all else show love and compassion to each of our students.

INTERVIEW PROJECT Abstract The following is the five questions and an answer given by participants in the interview project. This project will need follow-up interviews to accurately determine each childs development level. Each of participates will be represented by their initials. Parentheses will indicate a clarification of information.
CG: 14 year old.


How do you learn? From mistakes, going to school, working, talking / listening to Dennis (stepgrandfather), by listening, cant learn if you are talking, being shown, by doing it, from God, from experiences


What have you learned from God?

Lots of things, to forgive, follow the 10 commandments, and that God always forgives you when you or anyone makes a mistake


What is the most fun way to learn?

By experience, from God by reading the Bible, listening to Linda and Tucker (friends of his parents), and Bible study


Are older people smarter than younger people? Why or why not?
Some of them, because they have been around longer and have more experiences; Lots of them did not learn because there werent schools and education back then. An older person is 80 and above.


What do you want to learn? And how? How to drive, from Maw Maw (me) and how to fly a space ship from a pilot. To graduate from school. Be a hacker (computer programmer) from a book that Gramps had (CSs dads father who passed away two years ago) What God has planned for me I have no idea exactly - the bible and be prophesized over

RDM: 11 year old.


How do you learn? Listen, following directions, to try your best, reading instructions, and make games


What have you learned from God? To be nice, to not call each other names, doing bad stuff is wrong, like stealing, killing, robbing. God is good.


What is the most fun way to learn? Making ideas, making pictures, when you are being taught in a fun way


Are older people smarter that younger people? Why or why not? Yes, because they already learned and they get their information from God. They already learned all their stuff. Older is over 18 years old


What do you want to learn? And how? How to build cool stuff by getting help from Mom, Dad, Maw Maw or Dennis.

RD: 8 years old.


How do you learn? School from Mom & Dad.


What have you learned from God? Lots of things, forgiveness, well, loving, I cant remember everything


What is the most fun way to learn? TV, I dont any other fun ways to learn


Are older people smarter than younger people? Why or why not?


Yes, because the older ones teach the younger ones. They have taught the younger ones all the stuff they know. An older person is about 50 years old. 5. What do you want to learn? And how? Space by talking to the astronaut
CS: 6 years old.


How do you learn? You listen and watch and practice what youve learn, what I mean - hear what they are saying and then you will learn what they say, you have to listen not just hear


What have you learned from God?

Ive learned that God is so awesome, the world grew up into a giant circle, like when youre asleep you grow. Hes not a bad guy and if you listen to him you have the power to turn a bad thing into a good thing and it wont make any problems. One last thing, the whole entire bad layer explodes (bad people, bad guys, and the devil). The bad sucks into God and becomes good. He can make the devil into a good devil so he wont be bad. The bad guys spirit turns into a good guys spirit. He created courage, us, the world, love. Noahs Ark he made a beautiful rainbow all around the world. The animals, the forest and jungle. God opened the eyes of the heart.


What is the most fun way to learn?

The funniest way to learn is to listen and practice what you learn. Watch and listen.


Are older people smarter than younger people? Why or why not?
Thats a weird question; younger people are smarter older people but they know more the older person. The younger people can think more than the older people. The older people are more valuable. Like you, Maw Maw and you, Dennis are a great team. If we help - you will be a better team. If that team helps others than it all gets better. Thats it. Do ya get it? Thats why teams are a better group. Older is more than 20 years old.


What do you want to learn? And how?

From God, Gods stuff what God wants me to know. I want to learn how to make a house but have them build it because it is hard. Build a robotic house and then you can travel in it. I know how to build I just dont know how to make the pieces. Thats all.


INTERVIEW PROJECT References Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational Psychology, Theory and Practice (10th ed.). The Bible, King James Version. (n.d.). Van Brummelen, H. (2009). Walking with God in the Classroom (3rd ed.). Colorado Springs, CO: Purposeful Design Publication.


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