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Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author

First and Last Name Authors E-mail Address Course Name(s) Course Number(s) Course Section(s) Instructor(s) Name(s)
Unit Overview Unit Plan Title

Emily Prevot, Andrew lackwood, !ose "osavio A#lack$, eprevo&, rlosav& E"!C '()* & +e#orah o# ,eroman

The -irst Thanksgiving .hat are the origins o/ Thanksgiving0 ,ow is Thanksgiving important to you0 .hy do we cele#rate Thanksgiving in America0 .hat are some o/ your /amily traditions0 .ho #egan the traditions o/ Thanksgiving0

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Question

Unit Questions
Unit Summary

1tudents will learn a#out the origins o/ Thanksgiving /ocusing on past and present traditions. The lessons will incorporate technology including typing, 2! codes scanning, and internet #ased searches across the su#3ects 4ath, English, and 1ocial 1tudies.
Subject Area(s 5"ist all su#3ects that apply6

4ath, 1ocial 1tudies, English

!ra"e #evel 7Click #ox5es6 o/ all grade level5s6 that your 8nit targets9

:;' <;= E1" >i/ted and Talented

$;( ?;&' !esource @ther:

Targete" State Framewor$s%Content Stan"ar"s%&enchmar$s

Math: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Model with mathematics. (apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace)

ANTE"B TEAC, T@ T,E -8T8!E with support /rom 4icroso/t C'))) Antel Corporation. All !ights !eserved


1ocial 1tudies: Explain reasons /or local, state, and nation cele#rations, cultural events, and traditions and their signi/icance. Adenti/y historical turning points and descri#e their impact on studentsD lives using maps, documents, visuals, and technology. English: '.&.E Explain reasons /or local, state, and national cele#rations, cultural events, and traditions and their signi/icance '.&.( +escri#e how the achievements o/ /amous Americans, o/ the past and present, changed society '.&.* +escri#e how early explorers and settlers, American Andian nations, and western migration in/luenced the development o/ the 8nited 1tates
Stu"ent Objectives%#earning Outcomes

4ath: 1tudents will #e a#le to answer simple word pro#lems involving addition and su#traction and 3usti/y their answers using a num#er line. 1ocial 1tudies: 1tudents will #e a#le to answer Fuestions a#out the -irst Thanksgiving using in/ormation /ound on we#sites with the appropriate in/ormation. English: &. A will teach a #rie/ .riting lesson on how to structure a paragraph properly to the class using a power point. '. Then A will teach them how to use paint and how to draw a picture using the program and how to copy and paste a picture and write a story on word under it. $. Next A will explain that each child must draw a picture on the Paint program o/ what their Thanksgiving looks like. Then A will teach them how to copy and paste their Paint picture onto a word document and then type a paragraph under it. A will show them on example, and then take them to the computer la#.

4ath: eacher will access the website http:!!! and read word problems

aloud to the students. he students will volunteer to answer problems, after which the teacher will type the figures into the website and display the answer to the problem. he students will then view how and why the problem had a certain answer and observe the numbers on the number line. "tudents will then answer # word problems on their own. "tudents will use the $R scanner on the i%ad to answer &#.
1ocial 1tudies: Teacher will show a preGi with serveral videos on li/e at the -irst Thanksgiving. The students will then #e modeled the directions o/ the we##rowsing activity. They will then have a#out /orty minutes to complete the answers to the Fuestions listed on their worksheet o/ the directed #rowsing activity. English:
A''ro(imate Time )ee"e"

4on.51ocial 1tudies6; & hr $) min, Tues.54ath6; & hr $) min, .ed.5.riting6; & hr. $) min
Prere*uisite S$ills

2! Code skills, we#;search skills, #asic reading, writing, and math skills
+aterials an" ,esources
ANTE"B TEAC, T@ T,E -8T8!E with support /rom 4icroso/t C'))) Antel Corporation. All !ights !eserved


echnolo!" # $ard%are (Click #oxes o/ all eFuipment needed6 Camera "aser +isk Computer5s6 Printer +igital Camera Pro3ection 1ystem +H+ Player 1canner Anternet Connection Television echnolo!" # So&t%are 5Click #oxes o/ all so/tware needed.6 +ata#aseI1preadsheet Amage Processing +esktop Pu#lishing Anternet .e# rowser E;mail 1o/tware 4ultimedia Encyclopedia on C+;!@4 'rinted (aterials Su))lies Internet *esources

HC! Hideo Camera Hideo Con/erencing EFuip. @ther: APA+

.e# Page +evelopment .ord Processing @ther: Paint

4ath .orksheets, 1ocial 1tudies .orksheets APads, Pencils, Computer, 1mart#oard "isted on 1ocial 1tudies worksheet, wol/ A/ the student is a resource student we will allow them extended time to /inish assignments outside o/ the class in a resource room with an aid .e will have special we#sites availa#le in their language with the same Fuestions translated in their languages. .e will have more challenging math and social studies worksheets /or gi/ted students

Accommo"ations -or .i--erentiate" /nstruction

*esource Student Non-Nati+e En!lish S)ea,er -i&ted Student

Stu"ent Assessment

The students will turn in a completed port/olio o/ their directed #rowsing assignment, the math worksheet, and the /inal paintIwriting assignment.

ANTE"B TEAC, T@ T,E -8T8!E with support /rom 4icroso/t C'))) Antel Corporation. All !ights !eserved

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