Child Skills Checklistv3 Fall 2013

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Child Development 201

Fall 2013

CHILD OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Name: _______________________________________ Student O !e"#e"_______________________________ $"%&"am: _____________________________ Date!:________________________________
Directions: Put a for items you see the child perform regularly. Put N for items where there is no opportunity to observe. Make notations that will assist in the compilation of your child Case study eport .

'''(eparates from parents without difficulty '''Does not cling to classroom staff e)cessively '''Makes eye contact with adults '''Makes activity choices without teachers* help '''(eeks other children to play with '''Plays roles confidently in dramatic play '''(tands up for own rights '''Displays enthusiasm about doing things for self



E(OTIONAL DEVELO$(ENT '''&llows self to be comforted during stressful time '''#ats+ sleeps+ toilets without fuss away from home ''',andles sudden changes or startling situations with control '''Can e)press anger in words rather than actions '''Does not withdraw from other e)cessively

Fall 2013

Professor B. Hunter

'''(hows people affection+ connection+ love '''(hows interest-attention in classroom activities '''(miles+ seems happy much of the time



SOCIAL $LA' '''(pends time watching others play '''Plays by self with own toys-materials '''Plays parallel to others with similar toys or materials '''Plays with other in group play '''Makes friends with other children '''.ains access to play in a positive manner '''Maintains role in ongoing play in a positive manner ''' esolves play conflicts in a positive manner SOCIAL $LA' '''(pends time watching others play '''Plays by self with own toys-materials '''Plays with others in group play '''Makes friends with other children '''.ains access to play in positive manner '''Maintains role in

Fall 2013

Professor B. Hunter

ongoing play in a positive manner ''' esolves play conflicts in a positive manner



'''(hows concern for someone in distress '''Can tell how another feels during conflict '''(hares something with another '''.ives something to another '''"akes turns without a fuss '''Complies with re/uests without a fuss ''',elps another to do a task ''',elps 0cares for1 another in need



LAR)E (OTOR DEVELO$(ENT '''2alks down steps alternating feet ''' uns with control over speed and direction '''3umps up and lands on two feet ''',ops on one foot '''"hrows+ catches+ and kicks balls '''Climbs up and down climbing e/uipment with ease '''Moves legs and feet in rhythm to beat 4

Fall 2013

Professor B. Hunter

'''Moves arms and hands in rhythm to beat



S(ALL (OTOR DEVELO$(ENT '''(hows hand preference 0which is5.'''''1 '''"urns with hand easily 06nobs+ lids+ eggbeaters1 '''Pours li/uid into glass without spilling '''7nfastens fastens 8ippers+ buttons+ $elcro tabs '''Picks up and inserts ob9ects with ease '''7ses drawing writing tools with control '''7ses scissors with control '''Pounds in nails+ uses clay with control CO)NITIVE DEVELO$(ENT: CLASSIFICATION* N+(BER* TI(E* AND S$ACE '''!dentifies ob9ects by shape '''!dentifies ob9ects by color '''!dentifies ob9ects by si8e '''(orts ob9ects by likenesses '''Puts events in a se/uence: ob9ects in a series '''Counts how many are present '''6nows what happens today '''Can build a block enclosure S$OKEN LAN)+A)E ''';istens+ but does

Fall 2013

Professor B. Hunter

not speak '''.ives single word answers '''.ives short phrase responses '''Does chanting and singing '''"akes part in conversations '''(peaks in e)panded sentences '''&sks /uestions '''Can tell a story



$RE,RITIN) AND $REREADIN) SKILLS '''Pretends to write with pictures and scribbles '''Makes hori8ontal lines of writing scribbles '''!ncludes letter< like forms in writing '''Makes some letters+ prints name+ or initials ''',olds book right<side up: turns pages left to right '''Pretends to read using pictures to tell story ''' etells stories from books with increasing accuracy '''(hows awareness that print in books tells the story ART SKILLS '''Makes random marks on paper '''Makes controlled

Fall 2013

Professor B. Hunter

scribbles '''Makes basic shapes '''Combines circles or s/uares with crossed lines '''Makes =suns> '''Draws person as sun<face with arms and legs '''Draws animals+ trees+ flowers '''Draws ob9ects together in a picture



I(A)INATION '''Pretends an action without taking a role '''&ssigns roles of takes assigned roles '''"akes on characteristics and actions of role '''%eeds particular props to do pretend play '''Can pretend with imaginary ob9ects '''7ses language for creating and sustaining plot '''7ses e)citing+ danger<packed themes '''7ses elaborate themes+ ideas+ details Note: Permission is granted by publisher to reproduce this checklist for distribution. Distribution as a handout must be free of charge and the checklist may not be included in a compilation of readings forprofit.

&fter you have observed the child+ in a one page typed written paper summari8ing your findings and your e)perience observing the child. !n your introduction discuss why you picked this specific child to observe. Fall 2013 Professor B. Hunter

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