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The World of Education Germany

Terry Gallivan EDUC 604 June 27,2012

Nazi Education

The brainwashing begun for educating an Army of Horror

The Future Hitlers Curriculum

Teachers should learn the lessons of history The lessons learned need not be repeated

Present German Education

Would Hitler have allowed this child attend school?

Elementary education (and child care) from 6 months to age 5 or 6 - mostly free, although more influential parents may pay to increase their childs standing Primary education: 5 - 6 to ages 12-15 compulsory and free Secondary education: ages 14 to 18-19 some have tuition; there are also scholarships and grants available moration-of-holocaust-victims ust-pictures/holocaust.jpg.html locaust.htm never-again.html erlin/holocaust_memorial_(holocaust_mahnmal). html

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