2014 City Leg Priorities

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US-395 North Spokane Corridor Support all efforts that allocate $750,000,000 for the completion of the North Spokane Corridor, as part of a balanced transportation funding plan that includes: maintenance and operations, freight, public transit, and non-motorized transportation. 2. Urban Development Regulations Support efforts to decrease regulations that hamper urban development or redevelopment relative to other jurisdictions. 3. Public Works Assistance Account Maintain the viability of the Public Works Assistance Account as a means of obtaining low interest loans. We believe the use of PWAA funds for state general operating budget costs should be prohibited, preserving the funds for their original purpose. 4. Renewable Energy Designation The City of Spokane seeks a renewable energy designation for electricity generated at Spokanes Waste to Energy (WTE) Facility. Such a designation would maintain the value and economic development potential of the energy produced by the facility.

The City of Spokane supports the following legislative priorities put forth by our partners: AWC 1. Add housing and median household income to factors considered in labor arbitration. 2. Work to restore liquor revenue to municipalities. 3. Ensure continued appropriation of committed state shared funds. 4. Support open government while at the same time modifying current public record statutes to address cost, compliance, and abuse of the system. 5. Resist transferring state responsibilities to municipalities and defend against unfunded mandates. Law Enforcement 1. Modify RCW 9A.52.100 to make vehicle prowling in the second degree a class C felony. Without a strict penalty to curb repetition, the average offender is arrested 40-50 times. 2. All pawn shop transactions must be reported by the next day, but scrap metal transactions specifically requested by law enforcement need to be reported within two days. We believe the requirements for scrap metal recyclers and pawn shops should be the same. !

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