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Fw: DLC Update

From: alicia serna <> To: View Contact nancy serna tubiano <>

----- Forwarded Message ---From: Eddy <> Sent: Wed, December 9, 2009 5:29: 2 !M Subject: D"# $pda%e Dear Friends and Members of my website The success of Diamond !ifestyle Cor"oration is "henomenal.

#ince our $rand %"enin& in Taiwan on 'st March ())* we ha+e s"onsored '' ),- by ,)th .o+ember ())*. /e are s"onsorin& o+er ' ))) new distributors a month. 0t this rate we should be the bi&&est M!M com"any in Taiwan 1 years time. !et2s see if my "ro3ection is correct 1 years from now. /e had a 4eco&nition Day in Tai"ei on '5th .o+ember ())* and we had o+er ' ))) attendees.

6hili""ines ha+e ta7en off li7e a roc7et. 8 did my 'st %""ortunity meetin& on (,rd #e"tember ())* and in a short ( months we ha+e s"onsored o+er 9 ))) distributors. /e are now s"onsorin& o+er ')) new "eo"le a day and this is only from one center. /e will be o"enin& u" more areas in the 6hili""ines after the Christmas and by :une we should be s"onsorin& 1)) new "eo"le a day. Thin&s are loo7in& &ood. /e should be the bi&&est M!M com"any in the 6hili""ines in , years. 0&ain let2s see if my "ro3ection is correct , years from now. /e did our 'st trainin& on (5th %ctober ())* in 6hilam stadium ' month after our 'st o""ortunity meetin& and o+er 9)) "eo"le came.

/e did a bi& o""ortunity meetin& in Cross 4oad #tadium on '*th .o+ember ())* and this is our second month and o+er ' 1)) "eo"le attended. 8f the &rowth for Taiwan is "henomenal 8 ha+e no words to describe the &rowth for the 6hili""ines. This is a &rowth 8 ha+e ne+er seen in my (- years in this business.

The success of D!C is because distributors understand our mission. ;uild a M!M com"any and &i+e it bac7 to distributors. /ithout &ettin& rid of the owners of M!M com"anies we do not ha+e enou&h money to loo7 after the -)< of our leaders. =ere is the Founder2s messa&e in my com"any manual so that you ha+e a &lim"se of what 8 am doin&.

Messa&e from the Founder

:uly ' ())-. 0fter (- incredible years in M!M (' of which is as a Mana&in& Director for one of the bi&&est M!M com"any in the world ma7in& an outra&eous annual income most "eo"le cannot ma7e in their lifetime 8 resi&ned and started this new M!M com"any. /hat in the world am 8 doin&> /ell it wasn2t money for sure as 8 can hardly s"end ,)< of my outra&eous annual income. /as it for fame or reco&nition> 8 don2t need to start a new M!M com"any to &et them. 0s one of the most successful networ7er in the world with an or&ani?ation that has s"onsored o+er , million distributors 8 already ha+e my fair share of reco&nition and fame. 0 desire to own a com"any> !isten to my s"eeches and trainin& and you will sometime hear me mention that 8 lo+e my role as a $eneral and ha+e no desire to be the @m"eror. #o why start a new M!M com"any called ADiamond !ifestyle Cor"orationB> 0fter (- lon& years 8 ha+e found an industry that is my life2s "assion. 0 business 8 belie+e is the best a+ailable o"tion to channel &oods and ser+ices. 0 business o"tion for many who are not satisfied with their "resent financial situation. 0 business o"tion for many who ha+e no other business o"tions. 0fter (- lon& years 8 ha+e also found thin&s that need to be chan&ed to hel" those who lo+e or need this business and &i+e them a fi&htin& chance. !et us tal7 about ( of them. First. 8n my o"inion for the last 1) years there is only one M!M com"any in the world and all the others are "yramid schemes. 8 would li7e to as7 distributors who belie+e they are from le&itimate com"anies: 8f you also o"erate your business li7e "yramid schemes "layin& the money &ame buyin& u" to &et bonuses "ins and incenti+es what is the difference between you and them> D!C intends to close all loo"holes to "re+ent this beha+ior. /e can now say that there are ( M!M com"anies in the world: one is called D!C and the other is the bi&&est M!M com"any today. Second. /ith the "ercenta&e "aid out by all M!M com"anies and the way their mar7etin& "lans are desi&ned it will be illC ad+ised for most of you to belie+e that this business is a +ehicle to your dreams. 0fter the owners of M!M com"anies suc7 away a hu&e "ercenta&e for themsel+es there is not enou&h money left to &i+e the midC and lowerCle+el leaders a decent income. That is why all com"any mar7etin& "lans are only desi&ned to loo7 after the ()< hi&h le+el leaders or the su"erstars. 8t is not uncommon to listen to these su"erstars tal7 about the -)D() rule li7e it is a +irtue. /e thin7 this is catastro"hic. /hen the -)< of leaders find their income unsatisfactory they may Euit and when they do so it becomes a domino effect on the business of the su"erstar. This is a fact. 8f we cannot "ay enou&h to loo7 after the -)< we also

cannot loo7 after the ()<. =ow then can we write a mar7etin& "lan that can also loo7 after the -)< of the leaders> THIS IS THE MAIN MISSION OF DLC. There is only one solution. 8 wish there were another. /e must write a mar7etin& "lan that also includes the 'D, that is the "rofit of the owner of a M!M com"any into the "lan. %nly when we ha+e this eFtra ,)< can we ha+e enou&h money to write a mar7etin& "lan where we can concentrate a hu&e "ortion of the bonuses to distributors who ha+e one to three brea7Coff le&s. Ges 8 understand what 8 am doin& is abnormal. 8t is normal and ri&ht for all owners of M!M com"anies to ma7e a "rofit from their in+estment for the ris7 they are ta7in&. ;ut "lease also understand that 8 am not interested in the "rofit of my com"any. 8 3ust want to build an M!M com"any for distributors and do somethin& for this industry before 8 retire. Than7s for 3oinin& me on this meanin&ful mission. !et us lea+e our foot"rints in the sand. !etHs &et to wor7. $od ;less @ddy "Ds %ur @n&lish website is now a+ailable. @n3oy. /ebsite @n&lish: htt":DDwww.diamondlifestylecor"oration.comD ;est re&ards @ddy Chai. Founder and C@%. Diamond !ifestyle Cor"oration. /ebsite:htt":DDwww.eddychai.comD /ebsite Chinese: htt":DDwww.eddychai.comDwww.dlcor".com /ebsite @n&lish: htt":DDwww.diamondlifestylecor" Twitter: htt":DDwww.eddychai.comD

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